Choose Wisely and Reject Hoaxes Ahead of the 2024 Regional Elections

Choose Wisely and Reject Hoaxes Ahead of the 2024 Regional Elections

By: Aulia R

The year 2024 marks an important moment for Indonesian democracy with the simultaneous holding of regional elections in various regions. Amidst the excitement of this democratic celebration, concerns have arisen about potential vulnerabilities that could disrupt the smoothness and credibility of the regional elections. However, behind these concerns, it is important to remain optimistic and work together to become smart voters in order to realize a quality democratic celebration.
Potential vulnerabilities in regional elections can arise from various sides. Regional elections often trigger social tensions in society. Differences in political choices can end in horizontal conflict, especially in areas with complex social and cultural backgrounds.
The spread of false information or hoaxes is a serious threat in this digital era. Social media is an effective means of spreading false news that can influence public perception and choices.

Facing various potential vulnerabilities of the Pilkada, the public needs to be smart voters. The public needs to be actively involved in every stage of the Pilkada, from the campaign to monitoring the voting and vote counting process, which will increase the transparency and accountability of the process.
Being a smart voter requires ensuring that the information received regarding the Pilkada comes from trusted and credible sources in order to avoid hoaxes and misinformation circulating on social media, it is very important for voters to carefully study the vision and mission of the prospective leaders. Choose a leader who has a clear and pro-people program, not based on identity politics or empty promises.

The importance of the community not to abstain or vote carelessly, to use their voting rights responsibly to choose the best leader for the community. This continues to be demonstrated by various regions, one of which is Sumatra. The Acting Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut), Agus Fatoni said, he was optimistic that the implementation of the Simultaneous Regional Elections in North Sumatra would be successful, like the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election. The success of the two national events is the capital for the implementation of the simultaneous regional elections.
Regional elections are an opportunity to make positive changes in the region. By choosing the right leader, the community can hope for increased welfare and progress in various sectors. Active participation in regional elections strengthens democracy. Strong democracy is the foundation for sustainable and equitable development.
Strict supervision from various parties, including Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body), civil society, and the media, will minimize potential conditions. The media has an important role in conveying correct and educational information to the public. Responsible journalism will help create a healthy Pilkada atmosphere.
No less important, the media has a role in conveying correct and educational information to the public. Responsible journalism will help create a healthy Pilkada atmosphere.

In the Central Java region, it also ensures that its region will actively participate in the 2024 Pilkada, Acting (Pj) Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana said that he ensures that the implementation of the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada in Central Java will run safely and successfully. So far, thinking about taking strategic steps, coordinating with related parties. It is
very important to initiate and remind about the readiness and readiness in the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada, both the Central Java Provincial Government, the organizing committee (KPU and Bawaslu), and the TNI-Polri to make the election a success.
There are four indicators of the success of the Pilkada. Namely high community participation, maintaining a conducive climate, the success of each stage, and government and services running without interruption. So from the beginning we have taken steps to coordinate, collaborate and synergize well, so that we are sure that all problems can be resolved properly.
The implementation of the 2024 Pilkada also really needs active participation from the younger generation, education and education to become smart voters need to be socialized to the younger generation such as in the East Java region. Hundreds of students from the Nahdlatul Ulama Health Sciences Institute (IIKNU) of Tuban Regency participated in a socialization activity with the theme “Smart Voters, a Sign of Integrity in the Regional Election” which was attended by the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) of Tuban Regency at the local campus.
Head of the Tuban Police Operations Division, Commissioner Sugimat, said that he strongly supports and appreciates the Pilkada socialization activities for students, so that the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections can take place successfully and asked students to help make the upcoming regional elections a success.

In line with the Chancellor of IIKNU Tuban Miftahul Munir who said that the socialization of the 2024 Pilkada to students is expected to be educational, especially for new voters.
Becoming a smart and optimistic voter amidst the potential vulnerability of the Pilkada is both a challenge and an opportunity. With good political education, active participation, and an optimistic attitude, the community can work together to maintain the integrity and quality of the Pilkada. The active participation of various parties, from organizers, supervisors, to voters, is very much needed for the implementation of an honest, fair, and quality Pilkada. Together, we can create positive change and strengthen democracy in Indonesia.

)*Students living in Jakarta

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