Combat Alert of Security Forces to Eradicate KST

By : Charles Tabuni )*

TNI carries out combat alert operations in the context of eradicating Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST). This separatist group has gone too far and has brought suffering to the people of Papua. Therefore, an intensive military operation was held to dispel the KST, so that they would not hurt the Papuan people.

KST is being pursued by the Cartenz Peace Task Force for the security of the Papuan people. This separatist group has crossed the line by attacking residents and security forces, as well as threatening the people psychologically. Papua must be secured, therefore the eradication of KST continues to be carried out and its headquarters are continuously sought.

In order to eradicate KST, the TNI decided to carry out a combat alert operation. The TNI has stepped up military operations from a soft approach to combat alert operations in several areas that are considered prone to acts of terror by armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua. 

In this case combat alert is the status of a military operation which requires a soldier to be alert to the threat of enemy attack.

Military observer Connie Rahakundini stated that in a military context it is commonly known as a warning white or safe status, as soon as it approaches the mandala of war it rises to warning yellow where half of the troops are already in a war alert position, but as soon as they enter the war zone, the status has changed to warning red alias already in full combat operation.

In a sense, a combat alert condition occurs when the situation is urgent. Papua became a place for combat alert operations because KST carried out attacks almost in succession and caused huge losses. The plane was burned, as well as schools and residential areas. The security forces headquarters were also attacked and caused many losses.

In addition, a combat alert operation was carried out because the KST had gone too far and attacked causing casualties. According to the Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri, during 2022 KST attacks resulted in 53 fatalities and more than 200 injuries. 

In a sense, among the victims there were civilians and a combat alert operation was carried out so that no more Papuans would become victims of KST violence. Society must be protected from these separatist groups. Therefore, a combat alert operation was carried out to maintain security on Cendrawasih Earth.

Meanwhile, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono stated that not all areas in Papua were on land combat alert, only in Nduga and other vulnerable areas. In a sense, this operation did not turn Papua into a DOM (Military Operations Area) as happened in Aceh during the New Ore era. However, this was done to secure the Nduga region and other areas that are very prone to KST attacks.

The combat alert operation was carried out to save the people of Papua. Moreover, KST also killed civilians several times, such as when there was a murder case of a high school boy named Ali Mom. He was accused of spying for the security forces, because he frequently entered TNI headquarters. Even though he went there to ask questions, because he had aspirations to become a soldier. 

Actions must be taken against this inconsequential KST attack so that there are no further victims. KST’s atrocities were included in the category of gross human rights violations, because their opponents did not carry weapons to defend themselves.

Civilians on Cendrawasih Earth support the combat alert operation for the capture of KST. The reason is because they are tired of the various terrors perpetrated by the separatist group. Apart from physical terror, there is also mental terror, both in the real world and in cyberspace.

The community supports the TNI to carry out combat alert operations because it is an effort to eradicate KST. They are aware that the apparatus is a friend of the people. Therefore the arrival of the security forces is very welcome because the aim is to secure the Papuan people. Combat alert operations are fully supported for peace on Cendrawasih Earth.

Arresting KST is a mandatory agenda for security forces in Papua, because they also hamper development in Papua. When there was construction of the Trans Papua road, KST attacked project workers. The workers must be escorted by the security forces, so they are safe from KST shots.

Apart from that, the KST also hindered development in the field of education, because they shot teachers and set fire to school buildings. In fact, if there is no education, the future of Papuan children can be bleak. They are clearly wrong because education is very important, so that indigenous Papuans can move forward and become future leaders. Therefore, a combat alert operation is carried out so that development in Papua runs smoothly.

TNI troops carry out a combat alert operation for security in Papua. KST must be annihilated immediately on Cendrawasih Earth. They do not represent Papuan culture and tarnish the good name of indigenous Papuans. Officials are friends of the people and want Earth of Cendrawasih to always be safe, without KST members running around and terrorizing the community.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta 

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