By : Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis )*
The General Election Results Dispute (PHPU) hearing in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) at the Constitutional Court (MK) went very smoothly. This is because efforts continue to enforce justice evenly without discrimination.
The Legislative Election Dispute Session ran safely and smoothly. Therefore, it is not surprising why the 2024 PHPU legislative election trial which took place at the Constitutional Court received support and a positive response from many groups. One of them came from Bappilu DPD DKI Jakarta Democratic Party, Firmansyah, who welcomed very positively the proceedings in the 2024 PHPU Election Evidence Session.
According to Firmansyah, the progress of the trial at the Constitutional Court (MK) was extraordinary because during the trial, the judge continued to try to carry out random checks on the evidence submitted by the applicant. With the efforts made by the constitutional judge, from the results of the random check, the judge was able to compare the data with the ownership of the comparable data. Because data comparison is very important, because it is to prove what evidence the applicant submitted and what the evidence from the respondent is.
Not only that, but if on the next agenda regarding the Constitutional Court’s decision, there is a decision that requires the opening of sealed ballot boxes, then it would be better if the opening involved the police, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and political parties (parpol). Meanwhile, if all these parties are involved in opening sealed ballot boxes for the sake of evidence in the 2024 PHPU legislative election trial, then it is not impossible that the truth will be revealed, as well as how the votes were actually obtained or in accordance with the facts on the ground.
Moreover, because the results of the sealed ballot box are a very important document regarding the future fate of this country, it is of course obligatory to involve a number of other elements such as Bawaslu and security forces as well as political parties in opening it for public viewing. direct.
For your information, Constitutional Court (MK) Judge Arief Hidayat continues to strive to uphold justice as fairly as possible. Therefore, each of the witnesses must take an oath first and confirm their commitment that the testimony they give in the trial is in accordance with the reality of what happened. It didn’t stop there, but the Constitutional Court Judge was also seen several times asking a number of questions to the applicant’s witnesses or the respondents’ witnesses to ensure balance was achieved.
The Constitutional Court’s strong commitment to upholding the highest levels of justice can also be seen in the judge’s efforts to compare the C Plano data held by the applicant and the respondent. The C Plano data pairing applies if, for example, a number of pieces of evidence submitted by the applicant or respondent are found to be inadequate. So as a very appropriate follow-up by the Constitutional Court as the leader of the 2024 PHPU legislative election session, it carried out a comparison of the C Plano data.
Meanwhile, Constitutional Law Lecturer at Sebelas Maret State University of Surakarta (UNS), Agus Riewanto, said that the Constitutional Court itself has so far decided disputes over general election results (PHPU) or disputes, both from the 2024 Presidential Election to the current 2024 Legislative Election, continuing in accordance with principles of justice. The court itself is the place where disputes, disputes and disputes end in every recent political contestation in the country. This fact shows how important the position of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia is in every PHPU trial case.
The Constitutional Court has the obligation and responsibility to apply the arguments in processing all disputes regarding elections so that the parties, whether the applicant or the respondent, can obtain legal benefits fairly. In fact, justice itself is based on legal benefits, namely the existence of legal certainty. In the end, the Constitutional Court will decide all cases based on the actual availability of evidence, which evidence can be in the form of documents, expert witnesses and also based on the judge’s beliefs and various facts at trial.
Appreciation came directly from the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who stated that so far the Constitutional Court had achieved a lot in handling disputes over results, both in the Legislative Election (Pileg) and the Presidential Election (Pilpres).
Because, in carrying out and resolving disputes in political contestation in Indonesia, the Constitutional Court continues to go through a very transparent and open process. Furthermore, the Constitutional Court also continues to carry out mature and fair considerations, so that whatever final results they produce in the PHPU hearing will gain high trust from the public as well as being a sign of the progress of democracy.
The public highly appreciates the running of the PHPU trial, especially in the 2024 Legislative Election which is taking place at the Constitutional Court (MK), which has so far run very smoothly and with full fairness. It is hoped that the trial will produce a fair and beneficial decision for the wider community.
)* The author is an Alumni of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unair