By: Sabby Kosay) *
Development in Papua continues to be pursued so that it can be in accordance with the needs desired by the people themselves. Therefore, the best solution for the accelerated development program in Papua by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is indeed derived from the proposals of the local communities themselves.
The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin gave several important directions to the members of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of the Papua Special Autonomy Development (BP3OKP). He, who also serves as Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy for Papua or also known as the Papua Steering Committee (BPP) said that it is very important to be able to continue to strengthen public communication in the regions.
Moreover, public communication in the regions as well as good delivery to various strategic groups in Papua is indeed one of the keys to successful development in Cenderawasih Earth.
Efforts to continue to establish good communication with various Papuan strategic groups are also one of the many concrete manifestations of work from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) which really has a very strong commitment to continue to prosper and advance Papua.
It is also undeniable that the aspirations of all elements of society in Papua are also central to the government’s continued attention and absorption. It is known that the Government continues to listen to the wishes expressed by the people in Papua for the development of their region.
Complete recording and reporting also continues to be carried out by the Government and its staff, especially the BPP. Because with the success of capturing all the aspirations of the community, it is also at the same time able to find the best solutions for any problems that are actually happening in the field and so far the community continues to feel that they can be fixed immediately.
Not only that, all of these efforts, including establishing coordination with the local Regional Government (Pemda) are still being discussed in various forums in the context of absorbing community aspirations, which is a form of carrying out tasks carried out by the Government with full sense of responsibility.
The presence of BP3OKP does have a very important task, which is mandated by the state, namely to continue to oversee a new direction for the future development of Cenderawasih Earth.
However, there is a problem that cannot be avoided anymore, which is related to the limited time for the current administration, which will end on the 20th of October 2024. Therefore, the government, especially the BPP continues to carry out all of its duties with utmost care.
All for the sake of being able to continue to oversee all activities or accelerated development projects which are indeed very strategic in nature. This includes holding various kinds of steps or new breakthroughs, all of which really prioritize the needs of the local indigenous Papuan (OAP) community themselves, so that later the development carried out with the hard work of the government will really be very well received by the community and bring benefit or positive impact is very high.
In addition, it is also very important that there are continuous improvements in terms of coordination, synchronization and harmonization of all programs with stakeholders or stakeholders in the regions. This is because, with proper harmonization and synchronization, it will be able to ensure that the consolidation agenda regarding Special Autonomy (Otsus) in as many as 6 (six) Provinces in Papua itself, mainly regarding land preparation and the construction of new government offices in the 4 Autonomous Regions New (DOB) will be carried out far more optimally, of course.
In line with this, BP3OKP Members also continue to be committed to overseeing the implementation of the 2023 and 2024 Action Plans so that they can continue to be aligned with the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Papua’s Development in the period from 2022 to 2041.
In this case, the Government during the leadership era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by the Vice President, KH Ma’ruf Amin will really make all development programs in the Land of Papua a legacy or legacy from his era of leadership, as well as a foundation for governance. only later. So that it can be likened to the fact that in the current government era the foundation has been laid, which is then ready to be continued by the upcoming new Government.
Visits will also continue to be carried out on a regular basis in the Land of Papua, where scheduling is also planned in the near future, the Indonesian Vice President will return to visit several areas in Cenderawasih Earth.
Therefore, suggestions from all elements of society are very important and needed, especially with the submission of suggestions made by the people in Papua themselves, which will make a very concrete step or solution so that the Government of Indonesia can continue to carry out all development programs that are very much in accordance with what society has always wanted.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta