Elements of Society Must Unite to Realize Peaceful Elections

All elements of society and across sectors must unite in a declaration to welcome and strive so that the democratic celebration and political contestation in the upcoming General Election (Pemilu) in 2024 can proceed peacefully, all of whom also have a very strong commitment to maintaining unity.

The declaration of peaceful elections was carried out by the Tolikara Regency Government (Pemkab), Papua Mountains Province, which also signed a Memorandum of Understanding together with all elements, starting from the Election organizers such as the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu ) and also invited all religious leaders, community leaders and election participants, namely local political parties (Parpol).

In connection with this event, the Acting Regent of Tolikara, Marthen Kogoya invited all parties to work together to make the elections in 2024 a success. Not only that, but according to him, all parties are also obliged to have a full commitment to each other in maintaining national unity and integrity, including being able to respect each other when diversity occurs and work together to create a safe, orderly and peaceful atmosphere during the entire election holding process.

It cannot be denied that in approaching Election Day like now, many other parties have also carried out similar declaration events, but there is one very important thing that must continue to be emphasized, namely that all the declarations made are not just limited to slogans, but it really comes from seriousness and sincerity in order to carry out elections safely, orderly, peacefully and with integrity.

The reason is that the General Election itself is a means of a country that upholds the principles of democracy, so that the implementation of the General Election also becomes a means for the circulation of leadership, which will be able to make this nation much better in the future.

So, of course, the noble ideals held by the founders of the previous nation will also be able to be carried out well too, if all the processes and stages of the election can take place safely and peacefully, of course all of these things will be even more able to be achieved well too. .

Various parties also really hope that there can be correct political education for the entire community, because with adequate political education, it will also be possible to prevent potential conflicts and divisions because in reality politics itself is not an arena for bringing down or vilifying each other.

Therefore, it is hoped that the relevant agencies who have an interest in providing political education will continue to promote the existence of good political education and also correct political ethics for all people in Indonesia, especially for young voters.

Don’t forget that great appreciation should be given to all parties, such as the leaders of political parties (political parties), to all General Election participants and all Candidate Legislative Members (Caleg) who have so far continued to uphold their respective strong commitments to be able to realize the implementation safe and peaceful democratic party.

Tolikara Resort Police Chief (Kapolres), Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKBP) Achmad Fauzan said that it is very important to have synergy between all elements of society and the security forces. The existence of this synergy will be able to make the elections much more democratic, conducive, safe, peaceful and harmonious.

Something similar, namely the declaration of peaceful elections, was also carried out by residents in Ngargomulyo Village, Dukun District, Magelang Regency. The declaration, which was also attended by representatives of hamlet heads, RT heads, community leaders and religious leaders, was initially preceded by the socialization of Voter Education and Community Participation in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. The entire event went very smoothly and was also filled with very high enthusiasm. by all society.

Chairman of the PPS of Ngargomulyo Village, Ade Handika, said that he really has high hopes for the entire community so that all parties are able to participate and play an active role in the successful implementation of the political contestation in 2024.

All parties also really hope that the 2024 elections can run smoothly, honestly and fairly. The election declaration made by residents in Ngargomulyo Village has several important points, including that all parties are very ready to carry out elections peacefully, ready to maintain a conducive situation and environmental conditions and reject various forms of money politics during the implementation of the democratic party.

A strong commitment to work together to maintain unity and integrity throughout Indonesian society is a very important thing to do. Therefore, various parties and all levels of society have declared peaceful elections and everyone has been very prepared and agreed to maintain unity between citizens.

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