eligious Figures Play an Important Role in Accelerating Development in Papua

The development of Papua is not only the responsibility of the Government. However, furthermore, sustainable and welfare-oriented development of course requires support from elements of Papuan society, including religious figures.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin recently held a very meaningful meeting with a number of religious leaders from Papua. This meeting is not only a formal event, but is an important vehicle for reflecting on and appreciating the vital role played by religious figures in accelerating development and increasing prosperity in the Papua region which is very rich in cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.

During the meeting, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin emphasized that religious leaders have a central role in efforts to create a brighter future for Papua. This statement reflects a deep understanding of the important role played by religious leaders in bringing about positive change in the region.

Religious leaders, including church leaders and pastors, are known to have a great influence in guiding and providing understanding to the Papuan people. The Vice President solemnly called them “game changers,” who play a key role in shaping society’s behavior and values ​​and in supporting the region’s social and economic development.

Their presence close to the community is a valuable asset in getting closer to the community and understanding more deeply the challenges faced by the Papuan people.

Apart from that, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin believes that strong collaboration between religious leaders, central government, regional government and traditional leaders will be a strong foundation in achieving the goal of accelerating development and increasing prosperity in Papua.

This belief is based on the idea that joint efforts and synergy between various elements of society are crucial steps to achieve optimal prosperity in the Land of Papua.

The presence of religious leaders at such meetings is very important because they can help ensure that ethical and moral values ​​are firmly embedded in development efforts. The Vice President believes that religious leaders can be effective liaisons between government and society, facilitating better communication, and conveying educational messages that encourage positive change.

Jayapura Bishop Yunuarius You, one of the speakers who attended the meeting, really appreciated the Vice President’s presence and saw him as a leader who came to listen to the aspirations of the people.

For him, this is an extraordinary moment that shows real attention and commitment to the development of Papua. The presence of a state official of the Vice President’s class is proof that serious attention is being paid to the issues and challenges faced by the Papuan people.

Apart from that, Rev. Hiskia Rollo, General Chair of the PGGP, emphasized that this was the first time in history when a state official had spent such a long time in Papua. This reflects the determination of the Vice President and the government to really listen and interact directly with the Papuan people.

This initiative reflects a real drive to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by the Papuan people, and to be an effective partner in advancing this region.

Not only that, Rev. Hiskia Rollo, General Chair of PGGP, added that this was the first time in history when a state official had spent such a long time in Papua. This is a clear sign of the determination of the Vice President and the central government to listen and respond seriously to the needs of the Papuan people.

Religious leaders in Papua feel that a figure like Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin is really needed. They appreciate his concern and believe that collaboration between religious leaders, government and traditional leaders is the key to achieving common goals.

The presence of the Vice President in Papua is an important momentum to strengthen this cooperation and ensure that all elements of society feel the positive impact of this cooperation.

The important role of religious figures in accelerating welfare development in Papua is a fact that is difficult to deny. They are not only spiritual leaders, but also social leaders who have a great influence on society. Collaboration with the government and traditional leaders is a step forward that will lead Papua towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

In closing, we all must understand that accelerating welfare development in Papua is not a task that can be completed by one party alone. All elements of society, including religious leaders, government and traditional leaders, must unite to achieve this goal.

We believe, with good collaboration, Papua can become an example of successful development and prosperity in Indonesia. This is a time to unite, understand each other’s roles, and work towards a shared vision to advance Papua in a brighter and more prosperous direction.

Ultimately, all elements of society, including religious leaders, government and traditional leaders, must unite to achieve this common vision. The Vice President’s presence in Papua is proof of the central government’s commitment to listening and interacting directly with the Papuan people. All of this is a positive step in advancing Papua towards a brighter and more prosperous future. In this case, religious figures are the main players who play an important role in forming positive morals and values ​​that will help create prosperity in Papua.

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