Ensuring Environmentally Friendly Development, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Guards New Autonomous Region of Papua

To be able to guarantee sustainable and environmentally sound development by prioritizing the environment, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has a very strong commitment to overseeing all the development of regional divisions through the Papua New Guinea. In fact, this will also have an impact on the success of handling disaster resilience and climate change.

The existence of sustainable development is indeed a very important thing to do, and this is also being intensified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to develop the country, including carrying out equitable distribution of development to all corners of the region.

However, it is not just about sustainable development, but another important thing is whether this development also does not have the potential to disturb and pollute the environment, moreover, it is even capable of being much more supportive and greening the environment.

Therefore, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) stated their strong commitment to be ready to oversee development in as many as 4 (four) regional divisions through the existence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua, which is located in the Provinces of South Papua, Central Papua, Papua Mountains to Southwest Papua.

Regarding this matter, the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Dr. Bambang Hendroyono explained that his party really put forward how to ensure sustainable and environmentally sound development in all regions in the country.

For this reason, his party immediately made a strong commitment to oversee the land and water landscapes there and all of them would then be integrated into a program in a comprehensive manner. Some of the programs that are continuously monitored by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry are 3 (three) programs which must all be integrated, namely sustainable forest development, improving the quality of the environment and also handling disaster resilience and climate change.

Of course, related to how efforts to deal with disaster resilience and climate change are also important, especially if it can be implemented on Cenderawasih Earth. This is because the area is known for being an area that often experiences very extreme weather with sudden or sudden changes or changes in weather that are enough to hinder community activities or other government activities.

The three programs must really be ensured so that their integration becomes strong in program implementation. To be able to ensure that program implementation can be on target or not, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will immediately carry out regular monitoring and evaluation with a work unit called the Papua ecoregion development control center.

There are a number of things that must also be understood and become very important to emphasize to all leaders who do have a duty to handle environmental protection and management. All leaders must be able to understand regulatory, technical and management aspects.

In terms of leadership or leadership, all of them will also be assisted and encouraged and given assistance. Because in this case, leadership cannot be underestimated, the contribution of its role in ensuring environmental development, especially in the forestry sector and other sectors.

This is because with proper leadership, 3 (three) governance issues can be guaranteed, such as sustainable forest development governance, environmental governance and carbon governance. With this carbon and environmental management, it will also greatly assist in the success of efforts to control climate change.

The task of being able to control climate change is indeed one of the tasks of all parties because the main goal is to be able to reduce greenhouse gases and on the other hand continue to make various efforts to strengthen the forestry sector.

The person in charge (Pj) Governor of South Papua, Dr. Ir. Apolo Safanpo requested that the existing natural resources be able to be managed properly in order to be able to provide sustainability for posterity in the future. Because there is an important awareness that must be instilled, namely that the existence of abundant natural resources (SDA) in the Land of Papua is not an inheritance, but only a deposit.

Therefore, because the abundance of natural resources is a deposit, so it must be managed as well as possible for the sake of the sustainability and survival of humans as well, including nature and the environment in the future. If it is not properly maintained, of course, the existing environment will be damaged and there will be absolutely nothing for future generations to enjoy.

Appreciation should be given to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry who has a very strong commitment to overseeing all development in the Papua New Guinea because it aims to be able to realize an environmentally sound development so that in the future future generations will still be able to enjoy the abundance of natural resources.

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