Government Calls for Collaboration to Accelerate Papua’s Development

By : Kristy Tiara Yumte )*

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin, called for the importance of joint collaboration or multihelix. This is to achieve accelerated welfare development for all people in Papua.

So far, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has indeed been very optimal in its efforts to create equitable development with no gaps at all among all communities in the country. The reason is, of course, if development is carried out evenly, then the gap can be resolved.

There are no longer certain areas or areas of society that are very poor and untouched by development or very underdeveloped, but on the other hand there are areas in certain communities where development and development of society is very rapid.

So, there the welfare of the community becomes very unequal because whatever is needed by the people in developed areas can all be met very easily. Meanwhile, on the other hand, it is very difficult for people in underdeveloped areas to access any services.

However, in the current era of the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), he has succeeded in showing his commitment by seeking equitable development in all corners of the archipelago and changing the development paradigm from previously Java-centric to Indonesia-centric.

Including, even the Head of State emphasized that the development priority carried out by the government currently is starting from the Land of Papua. For this reason, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin, continues to encourage multihelix collaboration.

Not without reason, multihelix collaboration continues to be encouraged because it will further help accelerate welfare development on Earth of Cenderawasih. On the other hand, with good collaboration from many parties, it will be able to support the presence of inclusive public services.

The reason is, it cannot be denied that in development, especially when trying to develop a region or remote area, multihelix collaboration is a must and is a very important thing to have.

It is also impossible for the development of remote areas to be carried out successfully if, for example, it is only attempted by a few parties or even just a handful of parties. So of course the success of remote area development is the key and a responsibility that must be carried out together.

With the multihelix collaboration in developing the welfare of all people in the Land of Papua as directed and hoped by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma’ruf Amin, it is also able to show that there is a very real effort in continuing to prioritize solidarity and unity to realize the Earth of Cenderawasih as a safe, peaceful and prosperous area.

This is because so far the reputation of the Papua region, including the people in the easternmost province of Indonesia itself, is being hit by many unfavorable assumptions or prejudices. All these prejudices were caused by the many actions or acts of a series of atrocities carried out by the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) there.

So, with a lot of news about how these separatist gangs continue to cause trouble and carry out a series of inhumane criminal acts, it makes the outside community think negatively about Papuans. In fact, on the contrary, the people of Bumi Cenderawasih themselves are people who really love peace.

Apart from accelerating efforts to develop prosperity in Papua, by implementing multihelix collaboration, it will also be able to further encourage the presence of inclusive public services for the people there.

Regarding the existence of inclusive public services in Papua, very high appreciation should be given to those who hold social service activities in the form of cataract and cleft lip operations so that people can be further helped and cured of their illnesses.

The implementation of these social service activities is a concrete example of what multihelix collaboration looks like. Of course, with this, the people of Bumi Cenderawasih will be increasingly helped and receive very optimal public services.

Then, to all stakeholders or related stakeholders, it is also very important for them to be able to continue to optimize all facilities and collaboration in this multihelix. In fact, this is also very helpful in managing national strategic issues and agendas, such as efforts to eradicate extreme poverty and accelerate efforts to reduce stunting.

Development in any region in Indonesia, even in the world, including in Papua, will of course never be able to run optimally and optimally if it turns out that only a handful of parties are moving and working to carry out the development without assistance from many other parties. Therefore, to further accelerate welfare development for the Papuan people, it is very important to collaborate together.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Manado

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