Improving Papuan Welfare Through Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH)

Papua – The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building initiated by the Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) is planned to be inaugurated soon by President Joko Widodo. Of course, the inauguration of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) Building was welcomed by the Papuan people.

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) which fosters young people in Inspiring Young Papua also supports the construction of the PYCH Building which has been inaugurated which will become a center for self-development of young talents in the region nicknamed the Cenderawasih Earth.

As is known, the construction of this building began in October 2021 and then this construction was accelerated so that it could be used as a self-development center for Papuan youth. The head of BIN, General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan, revealed that the Papua Youth Creative Hub building refers to a building identical to the land of Papua. This building will also accommodate all the talents of Papuan and West Papuan children in developing their creativity.

Head of BIN General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan also said that the construction of this building was a place for young people to be creative. For this reason, after being inaugurated by President Joko Widodo later, the PYCH Building will be professionally managed by sons of the Papua region who are members of the Inspiring Young Papua and receive assistance to be able to develop talents for young Papuans.

The management of the PYCH Building will also receive technical and practical assistance from ministries and similar stakeholder institutions so that it is professionally and financially sustainable. In this way, the various programs implemented by Inspiring Young Papua at the PYCH Building provide benefits to the people of Papua.

The PYCH building has various facilities, which can be used for co-working spaces, spaces for learning technology, digital technology, concert halls, spaces for product innovations, dormitories, and sports facilities. The architectural design of the building is taken from traditional houses in Papua, namely the Kariwari traditional house and the Honai traditional house. This building also displays ornaments originating from seven regions in Papua.

The area of ​​the main building is around 3,520 square meters and the supporting buildings are 1,812 square meters. The PYCH building will also be equipped with a dormitory building and a parking area with a capacity of 53 cars, 154 motorbikes and landscapes. Of course, with these facilities, young Papuans can develop their talents optimally. In addition, the facilities in the PYCH Building can also be used for certain events, such as the previous one used for Soundphoria Kids auditions to develop singing talent for children in Papua. It is hoped that this facility will help young Papuans hone their potential so that they can channel their talents for the advancement of Indonesia.

In addition, the PYCH Building is used by Inspiring Young Papua as a center for welfare development in the Papua region. PMI, who was fostered by Deputy IV for Economics at BIN, has carried out many programs in order to improve welfare for the people of Papua.

The various success programs that have been implemented by Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) assisted by Deputy IV for Economics of BIN include those in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, the arts, creative industries, MSMEs, and Education.

The farmers acting on behalf of the Masni District Sumber Makmur Jaya (SMJ) farmer group believe that guidance from PMI can bring progress to the agriculture they manage. BIN’s Inspirational Young Papua Program also provides a step forward in empowering agricultural potential in the land of Papua. One of the farmers named Silla (58) in his statement said that the farmers in the Papua area can continue to be coached and guided so that they can move forward and prosper the farmers in Papua.

The same thing was conveyed by Yusuf Woof (62). The man admitted that guidance from PMI had been felt by many farmers in his area. He also hopes that guidance from PMI will continue so that agricultural businesses in the Papua area can continue to develop.

Apart from agriculture, PMI together with BIN also develop potential in other fields such as animal husbandry, arts, MSMEs, and education. PMI and BIN’s success programs in this field include the development of Laying Chicken Farms in Kab. Jayapura, Pig Farm Owned by Albert Burwas Kab, Manokwari West Papua, PMI Cattle Workshop Bomberay District Kab. Fak – Fak, MSME Assistance from the Generation of End Times Workshop and Gallery (GAZ) Kab. Merauke, coaching SMEs at the inauguration of the PYCH Building in Jayapura Regency, coaching Creative Industries at the PYCH Building, Kab. Jayapura.

One of the laying hen breeders, Maria Fransisca Tambingo, said that the assistance provided by BIN to the young generation of Papua through the PMI program was very useful. Since starting to be involved in livestock activities since the end of 2021, now Maria is able to generate profits of tens to tens of millions of rupiah per month, from around 4,000 laying hens she keeps.

The Miss Indonesia 2014 finalist added that PMI has now developed 17 locations for laying hens in the provinces of Papua and West Papua. It is even planned to build another 10 chicken farm locations in the near future. The existence of this laying hen farm is managed by millennial PMI members, as well as their target communities. The number of chickens in each location reaches thousands and even tens of thousands of chickens.

Through the Papua Youth Creative Hub, the government hopes that local youth can contribute to reducing unemployment and poverty. President Joko Widodo believes that the future of Papua, which can influence the future of Indonesia, is in the hands of the Papua Youth Creative Hub.

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