*) By: Shendy Bani
Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia is not only an important event for Catholics, but also for all Indonesian people who live in religious and cultural diversity. Pope Francis, as a symbol of peace and unity, will bring an important message about moderation and religious tolerance. In welcoming this visit, the public is reminded of the importance of tolerance, which is one of the main pillars in maintaining harmony amidst differences.
Ahead of Pope Francis’ arrival, various preparations have been made by the government and the community to ensure that the visit will run safely and smoothly. Security and conduciveness during this visit are a shared responsibility. The government has taken strategic steps to anticipate any possibilities that could disrupt the smooth running of this visit. However, the success of this effort depends not only on the security forces, but also on the active participation of the community in maintaining order and security in their respective environments.
Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the public needs to be aware of the possibility of traffic congestion that will arise during the grand mass with Pope Francis. Moreover, on the same day there is another major event agenda at the Jakarta Convention Center located at GBK. Namely the International Sustainability Forum (ISF) which will be attended by 5,000 participants including heads of state and ministers from several countries including the Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations for the Ocean Peter Thomson. his party has prepared alternative routes for the public to avoid the roads around GBK on September 5, 2024. For those who are accustomed to using a number of routes around Senayan such as Jl Jenderal Sudirman, Gatot Subroto to Gerbang Pemuda and Jl Asia Afrika, Syafrin appealed to avoid these routes.
Sementara itu, masyarakat diimbau untuk tetap waspada dan tidak terprovokasi oleh pihak-pihak yang ingin mengganggu kedamaian. Sikap toleran yang disertai dengan kewaspadaan akan menjadi kunci dalam menjaga agar suasana tetap kondusif selama kunjungan Paus Fransiskus. Dalam hal ini, peran serta masyarakat sangat diperlukan, baik dalam menjaga ketertiban umum maupun dalam memberikan sambutan yang hangat kepada Paus Fransiskus. Dengan sikap yang ramah dan terbuka, masyarakat Indonesia dapat menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai perdamaian dan toleransi.
Masyarakat Indonesia, dari Sabang sampai Merauke, merasakan kebanggaan atas kedatangan Paus Fransiskus. Tidak hanya umat Katolik, tetapi seluruh rakyat Indonesia menyambut kunjungan ini dengan sukacita. Kebanggaan ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia diakui sebagai negara yang mampu menjaga kerukunan antarumat beragama di tengah keberagaman yang ada. Paus Fransiskus, dengan pesan-pesan damainya, membawa harapan baru bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk terus menjaga dan merawat kerukunan yang telah terjalin dengan baik.
Dalam menyambut kunjungan ini, tokoh-tokoh agama dari berbagai latar belakang telah mengeluarkan imbauan kepada umatnya untuk menjaga kondusivitas. Imbauan ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa suasana tetap damai dan tertib, sehingga kunjungan ini dapat berlangsung dengan lancar dan memberikan dampak positif bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Dukungan penuh dari para tokoh agama diharapkan dapat menginspirasi masyarakat untuk terus menjaga sikap toleran dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tidak hanya selama kunjungan Paus Fransiskus, tetapi juga dalam setiap aspek kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Uskup Agung Jakarta, Ignatius Kardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo mengatakan kunjungan Paus Franciskus ke Indonesia merupakan hal yang penting dalam penyebaran misi kemanusiaan. Kunjungan ini diharapkan menjadi kesempatan bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk menjadi agen perubahan. Kunjungan ini sangat bermakna terutama penduduk Indonesia yang terdiri dari multi etnis dan multi budaya bahasa agama besar mayoritas islam tapi menjadi negara yang relatif damai. Dalam dunia yang sering kali dilanda konflik dan ketegangan, Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan agama, budaya, dan etnis tidak harus menjadi sumber perpecahan. Sebaliknya, perbedaan tersebut dapat menjadi kekuatan yang mempersatukan, menciptakan harmoni, dan mempromosikan perdamaian.
This visit, according to Cardinal Suharyo, has a deep symbolic meaning, especially for the Indonesian people who live in diversity. With the presence of Pope Francis, the Indonesian people are expected to be more aware of their important role in promoting the values of humanity, tolerance, and peace, not only domestically, but also globally. This is an opportunity for Indonesia to show the world that diversity is a strength, not a weakness, and that with cooperation and mutual respect, a more peaceful world can be created.
On the other hand, Indonesia’s readiness to welcome Pope Francis is not only seen in terms of security, but also from the enthusiasm of the people who welcome this arrival with joy. This visit is a valuable moment that can strengthen relations between religious communities in Indonesia and strengthen the nation’s commitment to maintaining the values of moderation and religious tolerance. With a spirit of togetherness, all elements of society are expected to play an active role in welcoming the arrival of Pope Francis with full respect and pride.
Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia is not only a historic event, but also a reflection of the strength of the Indonesian nation in preserving diversity and realizing peace amidst differences. The public is reminded to continue to maintain a tolerant and moderate attitude, which has been the key to Indonesia’s success in maintaining stability and harmony amidst diversity. By maintaining these values, Indonesia can continue to be an example to the world in terms of moderation and religious tolerance, as well as being a peaceful and harmonious country for all its citizens.
*) The author is a student who lives in Malang City