Infrastructure Development and the Papua Special Region Can Become the Foundation of Advanced Indonesia

The addition of 4 new autonomous regions (DOB) for Papua has brought a lot of progress, especially in the infrastructure sector. 
With the existence of the new province, development throughout the Papua region will be even more massive. 
Then, there will be equal distribution of progress in both western and eastern Indonesia, thus becoming the foundation for the country’s progress.
Currently in Papua there are 4 new autonomous regions (DOBs), namely Central Papua, South Papua, Southwest Papua and Highlands Papua. 
After the new autonomous regions were added, the government began building infrastructure according to the needs of the region. 
The new provinces really need a touch of development to make them more modern and facilitate the mobility of citizens. 
In addition, infrastructure is also needed to improve the economy of the Papuan people.
Infrastructure development in 4 new autonomous regions is very important for advancing Papua. 
Head of the Information Center for the Ministry of Home Affairs, Benny Irawan, stated that the existence of 4 new autonomous regions brings synergy and builds a strong foundation for Papua’s development.
In that sense, 4 new autonomous regions will advance Papua through infrastructure development. 
Then, the infrastructure that will be built in the 4 new autonomous regions includes roads, connecting roads between districts and provinces, and electricity infrastructure. 
This development is fully supported by the people because their lives will be even more advanced. 
People can enjoy electricity and representative connecting roads, making their lives easier.
The Central Government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has allocated a 2023-2024 budget of IDR 6.6 trillion to finance infrastructure projects in 4 new provinces in Tanah Papua.
When there is development in the 4 new autonomous regions, it becomes the foundation for advanced Indonesia, because there is an even distribution of progress in this country. 
The existence of infrastructure does not only exist in big cities or regencies, but is evenly distributed to remote areas of Cendrawasih Earth. 
Regional expansion will shorten the logistical path, where Papua is geographically full of natural challenges.
If there are additional new autonomous regions, infrastructure in the form of representative roads and bridges will also be built. 
That way it will increase land routes and people will no longer be hindered by the natural geographical conditions of Papua. 
When logistics is easier, it will be faster, cheaper, and more efficient.
The addition of the new autonomous regions will shorten the distance between the provincial government offices and the people of Papua. 
When an area the size of Papua has 6 provinces, it will simplify administrative arrangements and make it easier for the people. 
It is also easier to regulate and coordinate with the Provincial Government because they are closer.
The existence of 4 new autonomous regions will be the foundation for Indonesia’s progress, because there is an even distribution of development from Sabang to Merauke. 
Indonesia is not only Java or Sumatra, but also Papua. 
The people of Cendrawasih Earth will feel progress thanks to the presence of 4 new provinces in their area and feel modernity too.
Equal distribution must be done so that this country continues to progress. 
Imagine if only things were built in Java, then the people who lived there would be the ones who would progress. 
Even though the people in Papua also have great potential. 
Therefore, they can progress when there is equitable development.
When there is Java-centric development there will be many losses and it can cause feelings of envy. 
Don’t let this jealousy trigger conflict due to SARA. 
Therefore there must be an even distribution of modernization throughout Indonesia, because the government implements the Pancasila principles, namely justice for all Indonesian people.
Indeed, since the Dutch colonial era, Java has seemed to be the center of the archipelago, especially since the capital was in Batavia (the name of Jakarta in ancient times). 
However, we should not continue development only in Java, because if only the center is paid attention to, a country will not progress. 
The legacy of the feudal era should not be swallowed whole.
Therefore, infrastructure development in Papua is very important to eradicate the Javacentric stigma. 
Papua is part of Indonesia. 
Therefore, it is mandatory to achieve equitable development so that it has a positive impact on the progress of its people.
The Papuan people have the right to equitable development so that their lives will improve. 
Only with development will Papua become more advanced.
Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian stated that equitable development was the main factor in the formation of expansion areas in the eastern tip of Indonesia. 
Papua has an area almost 3 to 4 times the size of Java Island with a population of around 5 million. 
The size of the area is one of its own challenges in accelerating development.
In Indonesia, massive development was carried out not only during the New Order but also during the Reformation Order. 
Development continues to be carried out in order to prosper all Indonesian people, including those in Papua. 
Infrastructure development in Papua is needed for the progress of the Bumi Cendrawasih region. 
With development, society will be more advanced. 
Then, when there is an equal distribution of development, there will also be an equal distribution of modernity in eastern Indonesia, so that it becomes the foundation for a developed Indonesia.

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