Innovation and accelerated development in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) Papua are able to reduce the inflation rate in Bumi Cenderawasih, so that the welfare of the people of the region also experiences an improvement in quality.
Improvements in the quality of life of the people in Papua must be realized, but there are several challenges facing them, one of which is the fairly high inflation rate there. Therefore, there must be innovation and acceleration of development as a result of regional expansion or the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua.
Because with innovation and accelerated development acceleration in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) Papua, equality is realized, not only in general in the Indonesian region, but at least this equality occurs between the regions of Bumi Cenderawasih itself, be it provinces that have been established for a long time or new provinces resulting from regional expansion. If the gap is suppressed, it will automatically be able to reduce the inflation rate.
The government continues to make these efforts, one of which is the excellent performance of the Acting Governor of Central Papua, Dr. Rebekah Haluk who succeeded in suppressing inflation with extraordinary performance achievements.
The reason is that there continues to be continuity and potential for improvement, all of which are able to have a positive impact so that the community also gives their high appreciation. The government’s hard work continues in an effort to build the foundations of good governance in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua.
One form of this innovation is the formation of a task force (task force) which has the main tasks and functions (tupoksi) to handle national priority programs such as handling inflation figures.
With this extraordinary performance, the Central Government through the Secretary of the Inspectorate General (Inspector General) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Husin Tambunan, said that the Acting Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk’s steps in controlling inflation were very good, especially with how his innovation program took the form of fast steps.
This fast-paced innovation program can be seen from the sudden inspection program directly in the market, then there is also the chili planting movement and the cheap food movement by providing subsidies and paying attention to the condition of damaged roads.
Not only that, but the quick handling of the Trans Papua road access from Nabire to Paniai where a landslide recently occurred also needs to receive very high appreciation. Because, this is an effort to prevent inflation in the area. The government continues to carry out many innovations to accelerate development in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) Papua as a result of regional expansion.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BKSDN) also has a very strong commitment to continuing to accelerate development in the four new autonomous regions of Papua, including the provinces of South Papua, Central Papua, Mountainous Papua and Southwest Papua.
According to Acting BKSDN Secretary Abas Supriyadi, his party does have the responsibility to provide assistance to the local regional government (Pemda) in formulating strategic policy formulations so that they can achieve various development goals more quickly.
Furthermore, accelerated development in the Papua Special Region is very possible if the local Provincial Government (Pemprov) constructs a policy strategy based on innovation.
Thus, the Central Government continues to strive to provide assistance to the various New Autonomous Regions to design and construct Regional Government policy strategies through various innovative activity programs.
To accelerate development itself, it will be possible to monitor the increase in the results of measuring the Regional Innovation Index (IID) in the relevant Papua Special Region. The realization of innovation in every program or policy has a very important role in improving prosperity and competitiveness, as well as accelerating regional economic development.
Apart from that, there are also several other strategic issues that can be used as a reference in formulating policy strategies for the New Papuan Autonomous Region, namely efforts to further optimize the quality of regional autonomy, then controlling regional inflation and suppressing extreme poverty rates, then synergizing national policies and programs, then there is development of human resource (HR) capacity, and the realization of digital government transformation.
The government, through the Head of the BKSDN Ministry of Home Affairs, Yusharto Huntoyungo, continues to remind all his staff to further strengthen policy and innovation strategies in the Papua Special Region, where in 2024 there will be different methods and approaches compared to previous years.
The realization of innovation in this policy program must also involve strong collaboration or synergy with various parties such as related ministries or institutions (K/L). It is so important to innovate or make breakthroughs in various programs and policies to accelerate Papua’s development, especially the results of regional expansion, namely the New Autonomous Region, thereby helping the region further reduce its inflation rate.