Internship Program to Improve ASN Competency to Fill Papua Special Region

By: Ferdy Mawirampakel)*

Currently, Papua has 4 new autonomous regions (DOBs), namely the provinces of Southwest Papua, Central Papua, Highlands Papua and South Papua. In 4 new autonomous regions, many new civil servants are needed as state servants. To improve their competence, an apprenticeship program is held, so that service to the Papuan people will be even better.

ASN (State Civil Apparatus) is a profession to be proud of and they are happy because they serve the country and society. Including ASNs in 4 Special Regions of Papua. They are proud to serve in the new provinces, and carry out the mandate well to serve the people of Papua.

To improve the competency of ASNs in the 4 Special Regions of Papua, an internship program was held. This program is proof of the government’s strong commitment to improving the quality and performance of civil servants in the 4 new provinces.

President Jokowi stated that there had been a change in the work pattern and also the mindset of the ASN. This is done to follow global trends. Therefore ASN is asked to increase their competence, including those who serve in the 4 New Autonomous Regions of Papua.

Regarding efforts to develop the capacity and competence of these ASNs, the Deputy for Research and Innovation for the Management of the State Civil Apparatus for the State Administration Agency (LAN), Agus Sudrajat explained that in 2022 the Government has officially determined a number of regional divisions in Papua through the formation of new autonomous regions.

Then, it is also hoped that with the expansion of the territory that has occurred in the Land of Papua, it will bring public services closer and become increasingly quality for all people in Cenderawasih Earth. 

In addition, the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2023 regarding plans to accelerate the development of Papua from 2022 to 2041 shows the seriousness that the Government has under President Jokowi’s leadership to continue to build the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

The existence of an internship program which has also been implemented by LAN has actually been around since 2022, and now the program is being further refined to be able to meet the internship needs for Provincial Government ASNs in Papua, especially in order to improve how government is managed.

Before the internship begins, a selection of prospective apprentices is carried out, to find out the commitment they have. Then there is also the involvement of superiors as mentors as well as instruments and strong commitment from the sending regional government (Pemda) to carry out monitoring and evaluation after the program is implemented. The aim is to further ensure the benefits of the apprenticeship program.

Meanwhile, Acting Regional Secretary for West Papua Province Dance Sangkek expressed his appreciation to LAN for providing the opportunity for ASN in the West Papua Provincial Government to carry out an internship program. This activity is a strategic step in realizing the commitment to carry out bureaucratic reform and better governance. .

Dance hopes that this internship program can have an impact on the capacity of the apparatus in West Papua so that it can have an impact on improving public services and the quality of life for people in West Papua.

This Internship Program is a type of ASN Competency Development in line with LAN Regulation Number 10 of 2018 concerning Civil Servant Competency Development. The Internship Program for ASN West Papua is a modification of the internship program which is not only a non-classical competency development pathway based on experiential learning but also a training pathway that provides an understanding of knowledge regarding the substance of internships.

It is hoped that this Internship Program can provide insight for West Papua Province ASN regarding the perspective, way of thinking and way of working of ASN including the bureaucratic culture of various internship partner government agencies.

The West Papua ASN Internship Program involves several government agencies as internship partners, including: Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, LKPP, and BPKP, as well as regional government internship partner agencies consisting of the West Java Provincial Government, Java Provincial Government Central, East Java Provincial Government, and DI Yogyakarta Government.

Meanwhile, Vice President (Wapres) KH Ma’ruf Amin asked young state civil servants (ASN) in Papua to help develop their region. ASN as public servants are expected to be able to design and realize a better Papua, one of which is by creating innovations based on local wisdom. He conveyed this in front of the ASN who would undertake the internship program.

Papuan young ASN should strengthen visionary, optimistic and constructive thinking, while continuing to care for Papua’s diverse social ties. 

Then, they must continue to deepen their insight by taking advantage of open digital access, including understanding global trends that can influence the direction of Papua and Indonesia’s development in the future. The knowledge gained by young Papuan ASNs during apprenticeships in various regions in the country can be passed on to other ASNs in Papua.

The internship program carried out by ASNs in 4 Papua New Guinea is very good because it is useful to broaden their horizons. Then, services to the people of Papua will also be better. After the apprenticeship, ASN will pass on the knowledge they get to other ASNs, so that the performance of state servants in Papua will be even better.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Medan

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