Involvement of Religious and Community Figures Brings Continuity to Papuan Development

By: Veronica Lokbere )*

The presence of religious and community leaders in the development of the region nicknamed Little Heaven at the tip of Indonesia further strengthens the continuity of development that has been underway for decades.

In facing the geographical challenges and socio-cultural complexities in Papua, the role of religious figures is not only important in the spiritual field, but also as a driver of social change. The regional and central governments actively involve religious figures to ensure that development in Bumi Cenderawasih can take place effectively and sustainably.

The Jayapura City Government (Pemkot), as one of the local authorities in the region, has invited the local Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to actively participate in various development initiatives.

Acting Assistant III of Jayapura City Regional Secretariat Frederik Awaweri, explained that MUI’s contribution has had a positive impact on the progress of the Golden City area. MUI is considered as one of the elements of society that has the responsibility to maintain social stability, and their efforts have contributed to the sustainability of development.

Jayapura City Government hopes that MUI can continue to play an active role in formulating programs that can be implemented in society, especially in maintaining unity.

With targeted programs, it is hoped that various potential conflicts between religious understandings can be prevented. MUI, as a collection of Muslim scholars and intellectuals, plays an important role in providing enlightenment to the people, especially in instilling peaceful and tolerant Islamic values. This is expected to strengthen harmony among various religious groups in Papua.

Furthermore, Awaweri also emphasized that MUI has an important task in empowering the community not only from a spiritual perspective, but also socio-economically. The community in the region must be equipped with relevant knowledge and skills to support the progress of their region. This religion-based approach is expected to prevent social divisions caused by misunderstandings and misleading information.

The involvement of religious figures in the development of Papua was also emphasized by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH. Ma’ruf Amin. According to him, the role of religious leaders such as pastors and church leaders is one of the keys to the success of development in the region nicknamed the Little Heaven in Eastern Indonesia.

Religious leaders are considered to have a great influence in providing the right understanding to the community. Through closeness to the community, religious figures can be an effective bridge between the government and the people in terms of education and socialization of various development programs.

The Vice President also underlined the importance of collaboration between the central government, regional governments, and traditional figures. This collaboration is believed to be able to accelerate the mission of developing welfare in Tanah Papua.

In his view, if all parties unite and work together, the success of development in Papua will be easier to achieve. Therefore, synergy between religious figures and the government is very crucial in creating sustainable prosperity in Papua.

The Indonesian government recognizes that Papuans are deeply religious, and the role of religious leaders is vital in influencing the course of development. One concrete example of church involvement in Papuan development was seen during the 20th National Sports Week (PON), where various church-owned educational facilities were utilized and their quality was improved.

The Chief Expert of the Presidential Staff Office, Theofransus Litaay, explained that the step was part of a development approach involving various religious and customary institutions, as mandated by the Papua Special Autonomy Law which was updated in 2021.

Furthermore, Theofransus emphasized that the churches that are members of the Papuan Churches Communion (PGGP) and the West Papua Churches Communion (PGGPB) play an important role in accelerating development on the island of Papua.

President Jokowi routinely holds coordination meetings with church leaders to discuss the realization of programs that are in synergy with the aspirations of the church. In addition, the Papua Development Acceleration Agency (BP3OKP) also continues to encourage active church involvement in various socio-economic programs.

One important initiative involving church youth is the establishment of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH), a platform focused on developing the creativity of the younger generation on Papua Island.

PYCH is designed as a place to train skills and develop the potential of young people in various fields. Theofransus said that the government prioritizes programs that have a direct impact on the community, such as the Community Job Training Center (BLKK), business funding assistance, and health and education services in remote areas.

In addition, the government supports the establishment of the Papua Christian Center (PCC), an autonomous body that will serve as a government partner in developing and implementing development programs in Papua. With this forum, it is hoped that the church can further strengthen its role as a pillar of development in the region nicknamed the Golden City.

Sustainable development in Papua can only be achieved through close collaboration between various elements of society, especially religious and traditional leaders. With good synergy between the government and society, sustainable and inclusive development will be realized in the Land of Cenderawasih.

)* Papuan students live in Yogyakarta

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