It’s Final, Papua Is Part of Indonesia

It’s Final, Papua Is Part of Indonesia

By: Argo DP

The presence of Papua and West Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia, recognition has also been given by the United Nations as a representative of the voice of the international community, therefore there is no interest or party that can change that, Papua is Indonesia.

Tanah Papua is currently in a vulnerable condition, the rise of racism hoaks resulting in conflict in Wamena to cause 32 fatalities, of course it needs to be questioned the actual motives behind the events that occurred. The strongest allegation of the motives behind the Wamena riots was because there were efforts to create conflict so that Papuan separatist activists could raise the issue of human rights violations at the UN session.

National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian also revealed there was a contribution from Papuan separatist groups in creating conflict in Wamena, with the aim that when the UN Human Rights Commission meeting was held in Geneva many media outlets would raise news about the conflict in Wamena.

The statement of the National Police Chief was proven true, at a meeting of Indonesian representatives with the UN Secretary General on 10 September 2019 in New York, United States, Indonesia continued to be attacked using the issue of human rights in Wamena by Vanuatu, but this was successfully denied by Indonesian representatives represented by Rayyanul Sangaji by saying that Vanuatu’s main goal is not due to concern for human rights, but the interests of Vanuatu in supporting the separatist movement in Indonesia.

Vanuatu is the country where the Indonesian separatist group “United Liberation Movement for West Papua” was formed, initiated by Benny Wenda. Police have arrested 85 people suspected of being provocateurs and hoax spreaders, causing riots in Wamena.

The moment the meeting between the representatives of Indonesia and the UN Secretary General resulted in a bitter ruling for the Papuan separatist movement, the UN decided that Papua was part of the Republic of Indonesia and could not be contested. The United Nations fully expresses its support for the Sovereignty and Integrity of Indonesia’s territory based on the possideti iuris, NY Agreement 1962, Act of Free Choice 1969, and UN GA resolution 2504 (XXIV) 1969.

The Act of Free Choice could not be canceled, it was the result of the Papuan people’s vote that wanted to be part of the Republic of Indonesia, there was not a single country that opposed the results of the vote and the results were accepted and then ratified through General Assembly Resolution UN No.2504 / 1969. The verdict is final and it is not possible for Indonesia to hold a Papua referendum twice.

The next reason also slapped separatist activists that the United Nations saw the outcome of Papuan development during President Joko Widodo’s administration, many issues were circulating about “Papua that the Government had never paid attention to” but the issue was automatically disputed with the real development being carried out by the Government.

With the rapid development of infrastructure and economic growth in Papua in the era of the administration of President Jokowi shows how concerned the Government is to the land of Papua, let us also help the Government in creating a conducive situation in the land of Papua, with no easy confidence in hoaks and provocation issues. Let’s realize the 3rd precepts, Indonesian Unity.


  • The writer is a social political activist
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