Job Creation Law as President Jokowi’s Government Strategy to Accelerate Economic Growth

By: Hendra Istiawan

President Jokowi’s government has shown a strong commitment to accelerating economic growth through the implementation of the Job Creation Law. This law plays an important role in creating a more conducive business and investment climate, thus attracting more investment to Indonesia. As a result, in addition to increasing economic growth, the implementation of this law has also succeeded in opening up more jobs for the community, which is one of the government’s main focuses in efforts to advance the national economy.

The ratification of the Job Creation Law or what the public also knows as the Omnibus Law aims to create a much more conducive investment climate, not only that but also to simplify several regulations and bureaucracies that previously seemed too complicated.

The existence of the Job Creation Law can also increase the competitiveness of workers in Indonesia so that they are ready to compete in the global market. In other words, the existence of this policy is a vital instrument to accelerate national economic growth.

Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Economics Expert, Prof. Dr. Gunawan Sumodiningrat analogized that there is a big mission behind the ratification of the Job Creation Law, namely to eradicate poverty in Indonesia with the main goal of achieving happiness for all people in the country.

Indonesian people are able to achieve happiness through the Job Creation Law, because their lives become comfortable, with the foundation of comfort, namely not feeling hungry, so it is important for them to work, which then the government provides many job opportunities that are ready to accommodate the people.

The presence of the Job Creation Law aims to simplify bureaucracy, thus making it easier to obtain business permits. The ease will result in many entrepreneurs opening up employment opportunities.

In the Job Creation Law, there are several articles that specifically regulate partnerships between large and medium-sized businesses and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The goal is to strengthen the MSME sector and continue to drive inclusive national economic growth.

With the facilitation of access to financing, it is not impossible that there will be capacity development in MSMEs, so that their market can reach a wider range. This requires the provision of resources and technology, and has implications for improving the economic welfare of the community.

Meanwhile, the President’s Special Staff (Stafsus) for Economic Affairs, Arif Budimanta explained that the birth of the UUCK is a step to realize a breakthrough together to accelerate the national development process, especially providing ease of doing business, developing investment, so as to be able to absorb labor, create justice and prosperity for the people.

This set of rules is important because it is an effort by the government together with the People’s Representative Council (DPR RI) to accelerate the national development process.

Not only that, but the existence of the Job Creation Law is also able to improve the quality of national economic growth by providing a larger portion to cooperative and MSME activities to accelerate job creation, reduce poverty and narrow inequality.

Currently, there has been a real concrete solution from the government to overcome the problems of regulatory complexity that entrepreneurs often experience, where previously there was often a lack of synchronicity between one regulation and another, even at the regional level.

A very real form of innovation in overcoming all of these things is the Job Creation Law to enable this nation to grow higher and faster by encouraging quality investment.

Likewise, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) himself has also emphasized that the Job Creation Law is not just a policy, but an effort to build a new work culture that is much more adaptive to change.

This adaptation lies in the ability to utilize various very attractive national economic potentials, especially with the extraordinary diversity of biological resources, both on land and in Indonesia’s seas.

Now, the road has been opened very wide for the utilization of these resources in a much more optimal way, all thanks to the Job Creation Law. So that it can support sustainable and inclusive economic growth, which all levels of society can feel the real benefits.

It is also important to note that the Job Creation Law puts Indonesia in a better position in the global supply chain. With simplified regulations and increased efficiency, Indonesia can become a prime destination for international companies looking to relocate their factories.

This is especially relevant amidst the dynamic global conditions, where many companies are looking for more efficient and stable locations for their production. By attracting such investments, the Job Creation Law can help boost economic growth through the creation of new jobs and increased exports.

Overall, the Job Creation Law is a strategic step that shows the government’s commitment to accelerating national economic growth. By creating a better investment climate, increasing the competitiveness of the workforce, and supporting the development of MSMEs, this series of policies can become the main pillars in the country’s economic development in the future.

Effective implementation and collaboration from various parties will ensure that the benefits of the Job Creation Law can be felt by all Indonesian people, bringing this nation towards greater prosperity.

*) Public Policy Observer Gala Indomedia

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