Job Creation Law for Improving People’s Welfare

Job Creation Law for Improving People’s Welfare

The Job Creation Law is able to improve welfare and also has a lot of very positive benefits for all elements of society without exception. The existence of this regulation is not only in favor of one element, as is often misinterpreted by the public, because the aim is to bring about justice and equal distribution of welfare.

With the enactment of the Job Creation Law (UU), it will be able to create prosperity for all elements of society in Indonesia , including workers as well. So it is clearly wrong if there is still an assumption that this rule is only in favor of the rich, only in favor of the oligarchs, regardless of how the working class is.

So far, in the community itself there are still many mistakes and misunderstandings that may not be understood about the essence and substance of the Ciptaker Law . In fact, there are so many usefulness in these rules .

Precisely with the passing of the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law ( Perppu ) on Job Creation into Law (UU) by the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) some time ago, it has further encouraged a communication balance system that is transparent and accountable to the public , in which , this still does not exist and is very different from before the enactment of this rule.

With regard to the increase in welfare guaranteed by the Ciptaker Law itself , the fact is that indeed welfare is not only related to wage issues , in fact there is another important matter regarding the welfare of the community or workers, namely an increase in the capabilities or or quality possessed by the workforce, in the sense is an increase in human resources (HR) and the competitiveness possessed by workers .

Other aspects of welfare that are also regulated in the Job Creation Law are more focused on the structure and scale of wages which are implemented massively by the government. This is intended so that there is a fair wage by taking into account the productivity of workers properly.

Regarding the issue of welfare which continues to be sought to increase through the enactment of the Job Creation Law, University of Indonesia (UI) Economic Observer, Fithra Faisal in a discussion event organized by Communi &Co stated that it is objective , the function and purpose of this regulation is to increase public welfare.

So it is very clear that this policy is dedicated to all communities in the country, including industry and entrepreneurs, academics on campuses and the government as well. All of them comprehensively influence each other and have a good impact on all parties.

All of these parties have become objects of the existence of the Job Creation Law regulations so that it is really aimed at all groups and not only in favor of certain circles, or only the oligarchs, as has been widely misunderstood so far.

Meanwhile, the Special Staff ( Stafsus ) of the Minister of State Secretariat ( Mensesneg ), Faldo Maldini tried to provide clarification on the issue that was developing, namely as if the existence of the Ciptaker Law was considered to be completely impartial to the interests of laborers and workers. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, because the entire regulation has stipulated that the Trade Unions are even given the authority freely to be able to speak and express their opinions.

Furthermore , there are other benefits , one of which is that in general there are many regulations which, bureaucratically, have been continuously complicated and convoluted which have had a huge impact on the business world. Meanwhile, it is very different from after the enactment of the Job Creation Law for companies and MSME actors, who now no longer need to be afraid when dealing with bureaucracy.

On the same occasion, the Secretary General of the Central Governing Body for the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (BPP HIPMI), Anggawira , considers that the existence of the Job Creation Law is a solution to all employment problems in Indonesia, including the provincial minimum wage (UMP), which is a solution. for efforts to equalize wages that are continuously being carried out by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for workers in each region so that they do not only rely on one region, because so far the wages received by workers are very different in magnitude in certain provinces and have caused inequality.

On the other hand, the Founder of the Indonesian Smart Communication Movement (GCKI), Ellys L Pambayun , considers that there is still resistance by the public, even though the Job Creation Law itself has had a very positive impact because people in an Eastern country like Indonesia tend to have emotional tendencies. .

So it often happens that demonstrations are carried out but with points of demand that are misperceptions of the original substance of a rule. In fact, in fact the Job Creation Law itself has had many positive impacts even for all elements of society without exception and continues to be the government’s effort to improve welfare.

)* The author is Daris Pustaka Contributor

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