By : Barra Dwi Rajendra )*
The existence of the Job Creation Law (UU) is able to save workers from anxiety and provide protection to them due to the threat of layoffs (PHK), thus further guaranteeing the fate of all employees in Indonesia.With the series of regulations contained in the Job Creation Law, now workers no longer need to worry if one day they are laid off from their place of work.In fact, usually, layoffs are a frightening prospect for workers because it is related to their livelihood. However, the government then paid attention to the policies in the Job Creation Law.How could it not be, the article in the Job Creation Law itself contains various kinds of rights for employees if they are laid off from their place of work. This set of rules regulates compensation and compensation for employees if they experience termination of employment.In fact, the nominal value of the award and replacement money is not small. So with this money, even though workers have been laid off, they can open a business or still have living expenses until they can get a job again.Regarding the amount of the award, it is stated in the Job Creation Law Article 153 Paragraph 3 with the amount according to how long a person has worked. Meanwhile, replacement money is stated in Article 156 Paragraph 4.The very positive impact of the Job Creation Law on these workers has made many parties, including the government and academics, agree that this policy has brought enormous benefits, including for the economy in Indonesia.Secretary of the Task Force for the Job Creation Law, Arif Budimanta, said that the regulation was constitutionally valid with the ultimate aim of creating a condition that exists in the spirit of Pancasila through consensus deliberation and meaningful participation.In fact, the Job Creation Law is not only for one group, but also involves various parties starting from implementers such as financial institutions and also Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to be able to access these services.Now business activities are not only limited to Limited Liability Companies (PT), but there are also individual companies and cooperatives through micro, small and medium enterprises. How Quo Vadis The Job Creation Law has also been aligned with its main objective, namely building extensive employment opportunities by expanding the business economy, further empowering MSMEs and considering environmental sustainability aspects in accordance with Pancasila.With the issuance of the Job Creation Law by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), in the employment context, this set of regulations is a concrete manifestation of the government’s very strong commitment to providing protection to workers and business continuity in responding to the challenges of developing employment dynamics.According to the Minister of Manpower (Menaker), Ida Fauziyah, the employment substance contained in the Job Creation Law is an effort by the government to provide adaptive protection for workers or laborers in facing increasingly dynamic employment challenges.Regarding the recent phenomenon, where there have been many layoffs, the government is really pushing that a company policy to lay off workers should be the last resort.Apart from that, the government also appealed to companies so that they are able to ensure that they have provided all workers’ rights in accordance with the Job Creation Law regulations which are very pro-employee.The Job Creation Law strongly supports workers, which means the government strongly rejects unilateral layoffs by companies.The representation of this policy is that it is able to provide reinforcement and understanding of the values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in the business world, then create business continuity and harmonious work relations as well as increase knowledge of Pancasila industrial relations for business actors in preparation for the world of work.On the other hand, even though there are many layoffs, it turns out that the current economic condition in Indonesia continues to be in good condition, because economic growth is always above 5 percent until the first quarter of 2024 at the level of 5.11 percent.Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that synchronizing policies between the need to face external pressures with a focus on economic development is very important to continue to maintain the nation’s economic stability so that it is able to become a developed country with the reality on the ground that there is also prosperity.The government continues to strive to save workers from anxiety about the threat of layoffs in their places of work with the existence of the Job Creation Law.)* The author is a Contributor to Angkasa Media Satu