Maintaining the Nation’s Honor, State Apparatus Commits to Neutrality During Elections

The approaching General Election (Pemilu) demands the continuation of the commitment to neutrality from the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), the Indonesian National Army (TNI), and the Indonesian National Police (Polri). Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, in the lead up to the 5th General Election in the reform era, emphasized the need to maintain the neutrality of state officials as a joint commitment.
In an event held at the Vice President’s Palace on November 14 2023, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin expressed his hope that officers, both from the TNI, Polri and ASN who are directly involved in the field, can maintain neutrality in facing the general election.
The joint commitment to maintain neutrality in the process of holding the fifth general election emphasizes that the five-yearly general election in Indonesia is considered an agenda that requires the principles of honesty, fairness and confidentiality to run well.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin highlighted that the implementation of elections was not the first, but the fifth since the start of the reform era. The hope is that the experience and regulations that have been developed can ensure that elections take place with the principles of honesty, fairness, order and confidentiality. The Vice President added that all parties, including officers, apparatus, ASN, TNI and Polri, had been arranged to act neutrally, and this had been conveyed by the President.
The Vice President emphasized that the TNI’s full commitment to remaining neutral in this situation was maintained. The Vice President expressed his belief that the neutrality commitment of the TNI as a whole, including General Agus, and all members of the AU, AL, AD, is universal.
In this case, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto said that his party was ready to promote TNI neutrality in the 2024 elections. He admitted that he had instructed the ranks below him to provide education regarding TNI neutrality so that soldiers would not engage in practical politics. In fact, he will also give strict sanctions to individuals who are not neutral.
Apart from that, the previous TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, has established a public complaints post to oversee the 2024 elections. The public can report there if they find TNI officers who are not neutral.
According to the TNI Commander, TNI General Agus Subiyanto, TNI members are prohibited from being involved in practical political activities. Apart from that, he also emphasized that his close involvement with President Joko Widodo was professional and aimed at supporting regional progress and community welfare.
General Agus said that the ban on politics for the TNI is in accordance with the corridors that have been established, especially in Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, which confirms in article 39 that the TNI is prohibited from being involved in practical politics.
National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo also highlighted the urgency of national integrity and unity through harmonious cooperation between the National Police, TNI and society. He explained that the duties of the National Police are in line with those of the TNI, namely protecting the integrity of society, the entire nation, and maintaining unity and integrity. Listyo emphasized that this was the main thing, regardless of who served as president
In supporting efforts to maintain neutrality, the Vice President was accompanied by Chief of Naval Staff Admiral TNI Muhammad Ali, Chief of Air Staff Marshal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, and GTK Council Member Anhar Gonggong.
In line with commitments at the national level, hundreds of state civil servants in Makassar City signed an integrity pact as a form of commitment to neutrality ahead of the 2024 elections. The Mayor of Makassar, Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto, Kapolrestabes Makassar, Kajari Makassar, and the chairman of Bawaslu for Makassar City were direct witnesses at the event.
The signing of this integrity pact was carried out to maintain the principle of neutrality in public services during elections, avoid conflicts of interest, and prevent intimidation and threats to the public.
The importance of maintaining the neutrality of state apparatus is not only the responsibility of the government and security forces. Chief of Presidential Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, invited the public to participate in monitoring the neutrality of State Apparatus, both civilian and TNI/Polri in the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election.
Moeldoko firmly appealed that if there is a violation of neutrality by state officials, it should be reported or even shared widely. He emphasized that supervisory instruments are available in various regulations, both laws and KPU and Bawaslu regulations. Moeldoko emphasized the significance of the community’s role in monitoring the behavior of state officials in the field.

It should be remembered that maintaining the neutrality of state apparatus is not the exclusive task of the government or security forces. The public’s alertness in observing and reporting potential violations of neutrality will ensure that the democratic process in Indonesia continues to mature without being influenced by assumptions and perceptions that may arise.
In maintaining the nation’s dignity, the neutrality of the state apparatus is a crucial foundation for maintaining public trust and the integrity of the nation. The invitation to the public to be active in maintaining and reporting violations of neutrality is a common call to ensure integrity in Indonesia’s democratic process.

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