Media Insan Takes the success of the AIS Summit in Bali

Bali – Indonesia held the first forum Summit Archipelagic and Island States (AIS). The activity will take place in Bali in October 2023. After success in the 42nd and 43rd ASEAN Summit, the mass media also began to highlight the unity of these island countries.

The Maritime and Investment Coordinating Ministry (Kemenko Marves) in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) in socializing this international event. Kemenko Marves even held a media briefing to explain this AIS Summit.

Director General (Dirjen) of Public Information and Communication at the Ministry of Communication and Information Usman Kansong said that Indonesia is trusted to hold several of the largest international forums in the world

“This shows world trust in Indonesia’s leadership including the 2023 Forum Summit,” Usman said.

Indonesia is already known in the eyes of the world, success in holding international events. Not only the design of implementation, but also breakthroughs in finding solutions to various challenges and problems faced by world countries.

“Indonesia is seen to have a lot of best practices, we do not want to save only for our own needs, but we want to make a global movement where we can move the solution to the problems of the island and islands from the world,” said Assistant Deputy for Maritime Zone Delimitation and the border area of ​​the Ministry of Marves Sora Lokita.

The hope, continued Sora Lokita, this movement will become more massive and finally the island and islands can face challenges together.

Meanwhile, Senior Advisor for Climate Governance UNDP Indonesia, Abdul Wahid Situmorang explained that for the island and islands, the sea is the backbone of the economy, so that solutions can be used for the country itself and other developing countries.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Marves, the idea of ​​the implementation of Summit AIS Forum is based on challenges faced by island and islands, such as climate change, the development of blue economic potential, but the problem of connectivity, empowerment of coastal communities, and sea pollution.

Director of Information and Communication of the Economy and Maritime of Septriana Tangkary participated in the Media Briefing of KTT AIS Forum 2023 and explained the purpose of AIS Forum, namely to overcome global problems with the first 4 areas including, mitigation and adaptation of climate change, blue economy, handling of plastic waste in the sea and good maritime governance.

Media Insan is expected to participate in conveying positive information to the public, to participate in the success of the smooth implementation of the first AIS Summit, in Bali. [-Red]

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