Millennial Generation Ready to Support the Sustainability of National Development

Millennial Generation Ready to Support the Sustainability of National Development

By: Dina Cairina) *

Indonesia is a diverse nation. Ideology, region, gender, race, religion and education all play a role in shaping our values, beliefs and priorities as citizens. We are also increasingly divided by generation, more than ever since the late 1960s, and this new generation gap has the potential to change the face of Indonesian politics in a fairly short period of time.

However, there is one problem that arises from the Millennial generation in the political world in Indonesia, which is very low participation. Their generally negative views on the government and established political parties have caused low levels of participation in the past, especially for the presidential election.

Until now the level of participation of the Millennial generation in general elections is indeed quite low. During this time, the voices of the younger generation were often ignored by many politicians because they realized that the younger generation was not interested in politics. Until finally their voices were ignored and began to approach them when they were older and more old.

However, along with the times and the proliferation of campaigns that have invited the Millennials to participate in this 2019 edition of the general election, it is not impossible that the results of the 2019 general election will depend on the Millennial generation.

The 2019 General Election may mark the turning point of the Millennial generation to show a higher level of participation. It’s only a matter of time until the Millennials dominate the political map in Indonesia. Therefore, the obsession with the 2019 Election will be proof that the future development of the Millennial Youth is very important for the success of development and the national interest for that the role of the young military is urgently needed.

One concrete example that must be done by the current millennia on social media is by posting content content that fosters nation’s optimism and spreads good prayers in social media and does not spread hoaxes in this 2019 election with the hope that it will be peaceful and dignified to ensure the success of leadership sustainability national.

) * Student from Sumatra State University, North Sumatra

#millennialPresident Jokowi
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