Nusantara Student Dormitory is Committed to Preparing Quality Human Resources

By :  Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis  )*

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN), including AMN Manado, is very strongly committed to preparing human resources (HR), especially high-quality youth. This commitment is a step by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) as the initiator of AMN Manado so that many of the nation’s young generation will become quality human resources.

Of course, the existence of quality Human Resources (HR) is very important because they are able to support and help improve or progress the country even in various fields. Explaining how important it is to have quality human resources, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that currently all countries are competing in various fields. Then, to be able to win competitions between countries, it is very important to have superior human resources.

Competition between countries really occurs, not only between Western and Eastern countries, but for example, between one ASEAN country and another, they are actually all competing with each other, they are all fighting over each other’s investments, fighting over each other’s technology. With the existence of superior and quality human resources, this is the key for Indonesia to be able to win all its competition with various other countries in any case.

To be able to realize superior and high-quality human resources, the first and most important thing is to start from building from the smallest scope, namely the family, then make efforts to maintain the balanced growth of the next generation to accelerate the reduction in the rate of failure to thrive or stunting and of course in the world of education. In this regard, if we talk about the world of education, it is clear that the role of educational institutions is also very important. Even from education at the initial or elementary school (SD) level to high or tertiary level.

Therefore, the Indonesian Government then entrusted BIN as the initiator in the construction of AMN, which previously stood very majestically in the City of Heroes Surabaya and is now present in Manado, and will continue to be built in various other points such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Makassar and Malang.

AMN Manado is clearly able to answer all the needs for efforts to improve the quality of human resources, especially in the field of education so as to provide learning and teaching activities that young people are really interested in, as well as being able to continue to develop their talents and interests.

AMN development in Manado continues to experience rapid development and shows positive results. Head of Sub-Directorate for Region III, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Endra Bekti, revealed that the construction of AMN facilities in Manado is continuing in progress. Not only that, the PUPR Ministry together with contractors continue to accelerate development, especially in the Block A area or the Boys’ Dormitory Building.

Previously, the Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ir. Essy Asiah said that the aim of building the Nusantara Student Dormitory was as a forum to unite young people from various backgrounds.

Real unity and unity of the nation’s next generation of young people will be realized, where they come from various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions and also from various regions in Indonesia as well as various universities, all of whom are able to unite in AMN Manado in order to prepare human resources. quality.

If all young people unite, then they will clearly be able to respect each other’s cultural existence, continue to maintain harmony, cohesiveness and strengthen relations between the nation’s children within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. Not just quality, but the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, through the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory, is also very strongly committed to preparing human resources with integrity and strong national character.

In this case, the government has also designed the construction of AMN Manado in such a way that the concept of a green building is realized, which makes operation and maintenance much better.

Meanwhile, the Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut) Province through the North Sulawesi Provincial Regional Secretary (Sekdaprov), Steve HA Kepel gave very high appreciation to all parties who had realized the Nusantara Student Dormitory construction project, especially BIN. The support from various parties, starting from the central government, local regional government (Pemda) to all local stakeholders is certainly a very solid foundation for the successful development of AMN Manado.

Moreover, the construction of the building which stands on 5 hectares of land is not just a physical building, but also a symbol of the government and BIN’s strong commitment to human resource development in Indonesia. Through the existence of AMN Manado, the creation of a very conducive environment for all students from various regions in Indonesia is realized so that they can learn, be creative and collaborate with each other to fully support the nation’s progress.

Preparation for the presence of human resources, especially among qualified young people, occurs in the realization of AMN development in Manado with the strong commitment of all parties, especially the Government through BIN, so it is not impossible that this country will win in competing with other nations.

)* The author is  an Alumni of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unair

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