By: Yohana Rumbrar)*
Papua is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Papua’s status as part of Indonesia has been confirmed through various international decisions, including the United Nations (UN) which stated that this status is final. Therefore, Papuan youth who have higher education must become role models in caring for and developing Papua. They have a central role in protecting it, because Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia. The contribution and active role of Papuan youth in development is a must, caring for Papua as mandated by the constitution and the founding fathers of the nation.
Observing the latest developments in Papua, in recent years, development in Papua has shown significant progress with infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, health facilities and education that have been implemented. This progress shows an increase in the quality of life and accessibility for the Papuan people, reflecting the government’s seriousness in making Papua a priority province. Infrastructure development programs, such as the construction of the Trans Papua road, facilitate mobility and economic access. Apart from that, efforts to develop human resources (HR) through scholarship programs and improving the quality of education aim to create a young generation that has competitiveness that is able to compete at national and global levels. So it is hoped that Papuan youth will be able to provide a positive color for Indonesia’s young generation.
On the other hand, the government’s commitment to sustainable development in Papua shows its seriousness in strengthening Papua as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia. With serious attention to development, and the division of each Papua province, it is hoped that they will increasingly feel that they are a true part of Indonesia. Through this effort, the government hopes that the Papuan people can experience real and sustainable benefits.
The government’s commitment is very clear, with the establishment of several Papua provinces, the government is increasingly focused on formulating development strategies that are in accordance with local wisdom and regional context. It is hoped that a local wisdom-based approach can strengthen community support and reduce the potential for conflict, so that the implementation of development strategies becomes more relevant and effective. The government’s steps in empowering local wisdom to combine to develop Papua should be appreciated.
Strategic steps were also taken by the government, such as the launch of the National Strategic Program and the Papua Mountain Province Strategic Program in Wamena. Vice President (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin said that the inauguration of the launch of the National Strategic Program and the Papua Mountain Province Strategic Program in Wamena was important in the approach in Papua.
As Chair of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy for Papua (BP3OKP), the Vice President understands the difficult geographical and topographical challenges, as well as the limited accessibility between regions, such as in the Laa Pago traditional region. Special attention to traditional areas has been emphasized in the 2020-2024 RPJMN as a priority program.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also emphasized the importance of precise regional mapping in the Papua Mountains. Each district in this province has its own potential and uniqueness that needs to be accommodated in the formulation of development programs. For example, the Bintang Mountains Regency borders Papua New Guinea, Yahukimo is the southern gateway to Papua, and Yalimo is the northern gateway to Papua. Programs to improve health, education and living standards with a focus on Indigenous Papuans are also prioritized.
On the same occasion, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin launched several national and provincial strategic programs, including the extension of the Wamena Airport runway, construction of the Wamena-Jayapura Trans Papua National Road, as well as construction of the core government center area and food center in Jayawijaya Regency. Other programs include electricity in Lanny Jaya and a drinking water management system in Jayawijaya.
With various programs launched by the government, Papuan Youth are challenged to be able to contribute positively to provide greater justice for the progress of the land of Cendrawasih. This is the challenge that they must take on, uniting to build Papua for the glory of Papua.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also conveyed an implicit message, hoping that these various programs would have a positive impact on the people of Mountain Papua, increasing economic growth, equitable development, education and community welfare. Appreciating the struggle of the Papuan Mountain people in forming a province and the ongoing development can provide real benefits.
With the help of various government programs, the hope is to be able to bring Papua’s young generation towards the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045. Marani, a teacher and parent of a Higher Education Affirmation Program (AdiK) scholarship recipient, felt the direct benefits of the affirmation scholarship program given by the government to her child. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity for his daughter to pursue higher education.
The encouragement of government programs such as the Indonesiana Fund which is managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is also felt by the arts and culture community in Jayapura, Papua. In 2023, as many as 209 individuals or groups throughout Indonesia received the Indonesiana Fund, including 5 proposals from the City of Jayapura, one of which was approved for the creative community of young Papuans, the Indonesia Art Movement.
The President of the Indonesia Art Movement, Ilham Murda, emphasized how beneficial Dana Indonesiana is for his community. With this support, the space for initiatives in arts and culture in Jayapura City can develop, including through training, production and distribution of works of art.
In this meeting, the Chief Expert of Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office, Theofransus Litaay, emphasized the importance of a holistic and integrative approach in meeting the needs of future generations, both from the Central and Regional Governments. Papua’s development in the fields of human resources and infrastructure during the last 10 years of President Joko Widodo’s administration has not only become policy, but has also been implemented. Development in Papua has had a significant impact on the lives of local people. This includes infrastructure development such as the Papua PON, Youtefa Bridge, and the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Crossing Post.
The various programs and policies that have been implemented and launched for Papua must become a spirit for all Papuan people and the young Papuan generation, especially those who have higher education, so they are very easy to adapt, blend in and become part of the future to continue to protect Papua and make Papua more advanced and competitive. high and is a hope for the entire young generation in Papua to be able to realize justice, prosperity and security and continue to protect the Republic of Indonesia.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta