People and Society Ready to Support and Guard Jokowi-Ma’ruf’s Inauguration

People and Society Ready to Support and Guard Jokowi-Ma’ruf’s Inauguration

By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

President Jokowi floods in support of the inauguration which will take place on 20 October 2019. Even a number of alliances expressed readiness to support and oversee this inauguration.

For supporters of Jokowi, it seems that the inauguration momentum was eagerly awaited. The presidency period which will be carried out in the next 5 years is expected to be able to bring change. Not only in one sector, but overall has increased. So that it gives a positive impact on the welfare of the people of Indonesia.

As reported by the news mentions Budi Arie Setiadi as General Chairperson of the Pro Jokowi Community Organization (Projo), has ensured all supporters of the former mayor of this solo to join in celebrating the inauguration process next October. Currently Jokowi’s support group is preparing for the celebration, as well as ensuring millions of supporters attend the event. He stated that if the technicality was being arranged, the enthusiasm was so high that he was sure if the supporters were ready to attend.

However, he said there would be no rah-rah event related to this celebration. This was done to respect a number of regions that were facing disaster, both haze and earthquake. Nevertheless, he stated his certainty to remain grateful for the victory obtained by Jokowi. On this occasion, Budi also expressed his concern regarding the stowaways of democracy in the body of society. This is based on demonstrations carried out since some time ago. One of the actions was called the mujahid 212, which openly asked Jokowi to step down.

He conveyed that if the voices of aspirations in the form of demonstrations were highly valued, however, destructive political motives and dishonesty must remain vigilant. He assured that the inauguration must continue, because this is the people’s mandate in the elections that took place yesterday.

Other support came from a number of United Alumni Forums (FAB). Which was initiated by at least 10 groups. Among others; East Java Alumni Forum, UI Alumni, UNS, (FAJ), United Sriwijaya, BelUSUkan, West Java Ngahiji (Unpad, Unpar, ITB, SMA), ASJB, Trisakti, UNDIP, and United PL. The FAB expressed its full support to President Jokowi.

This support was declared in a press conference (konpers) conducted on Jl. Kemang Dalam X / E9, Jakarta. The support was allegedly given because FAB saw an unconstitutionally large effort to thwart Jokowi’s appointment as President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) 20 October. FAB expressed its determination to participate in guarding the inauguration process of Jokowi-Ma’aruf Amin. They expressed readiness to provide support and escort. And remain committed to maintaining the diversity of the Republic of Indonesia on the basis of Pancasila.

Even so, the FAB will continue to respect the rights of everyone in democracy regarding the delivery of opinions and aspirations related to Jokowi’s performance. It’s just that the expression must be done in the right way and in accordance with applicable rules. FAB also supports law enforcement officials to act decisively proportionally against all anarchist actions that would later harm the public interest.

Support was also reflected when thousands of masses from various walks of life filled the courtyard of the Sarinah building, Thamrin, in the Central Jakarta area. They are suspected of carrying out peaceful actions to provide support to President Joko Widodo. This collection of times carried out an action titled Us Together Jokowi. The action was also followed by the declaration and socialization of hashtag #kamibersamajokowi.

In this momentum they distributed several objects in the form of stickers, flowers, banners, as well as support posters to the people in the Sarinah shopping center area. One resident commented if his side was also concerned when he saw the condition of the country which had collapsed. According to him, Jokowi was elected constitutionally but there were still parties who intervened. Including wanting Jokowi to step down before the days of his inauguration.

Another resident said that his participation in this event was a form of support for Jokowi in an effort to solve a number of problems that were engulfing. He said if the protest was legitimately upheld but still in a justified context, he added, it could be a demonstration provided it was not provoked.

Hopefully the inauguration that awaited in October, smoothly as expected. And no party intervenes in this procession. In the future, hopefully Jokowi – Ma’ruf will be able to build a better country. Increasing the equitable distribution of people’s welfare in various sectors, so that a sense of security, peace and security can be felt by all parties without exception.

) * The author is a social political observer

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