Perppu Ciptaker Real Form of State Present Accommodation of Labor Interests

Jakarta – Bung Karno University academic Faisyal Chaniago confirmed that the state was here to accommodate the interests of workers through the Job Creation Perppu. The state is present when there are demands for wage increases, THR and other conflicts between workers and employers.

This was confirmed by Bung Karno University Academician Faisyal Chaniago during a dialogue on Pancasila TV, Monday 12/6/2023.

The Perpu is a concrete form of the state’s existence to accommodate workers. For example, regarding the increase in wages, the state always accommodates that regarding wages, even though it is just a hope, but wages always increase, this is accommodated by the state. Conflicts about THR, the state is present in it. Conflicts about exploitation, the state is present in it. There is a state there, concluded Faisyal Chaniago.

Even though it’s not optimal, the state is already working for all of them. Workers also cannot ignore that the state is there for them. Yesterday’s THR had problems with the state that went down to solve it, the problem of state wages also helped to keep pushing, please increase wages for inflation, we will also increase wages a little, share a little profit for all of them, because they also contribute to the continuity of your industry. Insurance is also widely accommodated, explained Bung Karno University Academics.

According to him, what the workers also need to pay attention to is that if the workers continue to carry out street actions, it will affect the entry of investors into the country. It must also be paid attention to by labor organs, including NGOs working in the handling of labor, which must be considered in all of them. So there must be maturity in addressing this outsourcing case. One side of capitalism is its own view because it relates to production costs. On the one hand, the workers also think about their survival, and there is no guarantee of old age. That’s all the dilemma there

although before all companies got the insurance system, only the state had forced all companies to have labor insurance, forced all of that, explained Faisyal.

If we look at the purpose of the creation of the Work Creation Law, this is very good, namely to provide ease of doing business, easy investment, which will later encourage the opening of job vacancies, in the labor process we create justice for workers, and will have an impact on people’s welfare. “That is very noble and this must continue to be rolled out because the goal is clear,” he said.

To achieve that goal, which is now still not running smoothly. It can be said if a lot of investment goes to Indonesia and accommodates thousands of workers or millions of workers and their wages are also increased and all the demands of the workers, for example regarding welfare in the field of insurance, whether health other than insurance is fulfilled, how prosperous our country is, income the country is rising, industrialization is running, workers’ welfare is also increasing, automatically the wheels of the economy are also running, he concluded.

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