Polemik Politik

March 5, Demo Does Not Represent the People, Election Dissatisfaction Can Pass Through the Constitutional Court

The demonstration or demonstration that will be held on March 5 2024 is clearly a mass gathering that is very vulnerable to being controlled by certain groups of irresponsible parties. Moreover, in fact the demonstration did not represent the interests of the people in Indonesia at all.

Previously, it was known that the Deputy General Chair of the DPP Gemilang National Movement, Lukman, said that Anies-Muhaimin (AMIN) volunteers were preparing to demonstrate again on Tuesday 5 March 2024 if their demands were not responded to by the Indonesian People’s Representative Council (DPR RI). ).

In fact, they planned that on March 5 they would bring a much larger mass scale to their demonstration. He also claimed that the number of people who would take part in the action was estimated to reach up to 30 thousand people.

Responding to this, General Chairperson of PPJNA 98 Anto Kusumayuda emphasized that the demonstration to reject indications of fraud in the implementation of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) by also voicing the impeachment of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was clearly very vulnerable to being ridiculed by foreign group.

This is because foreign parties really want Indonesia to become a country that continues to be in a state of chaos so that in the future it cannot become a developed and large country.

Moreover, in fact, the right to inquiry will in no way resolve indications of fraud in the 2024 democratic party. This is because the state itself has a mechanism which is stated in the constitution, namely, if for example fraud occurs, parties who are dissatisfied can report it through election organizers such as the Supervisory Body. Elections (Bawaslu), General Election Commission (KPU) and also at the Constitutional Court (MK).

It is clear that the foreign parties who are said to be riding on the demonstration movement on March 5 2024 really like to continue to mess with this nation through their many agents who are educated in Western countries. They also usually continue to promote the issue of Human Rights (HAM), even though in fact the United States (US) itself is a country that violates human rights seriously.

On the other hand, Indonesia, under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, continues to continue all the good programs of previous national leaders, which will also be able to be continued by future national leaders elected from the results of the 2024 elections in accordance with the interests of the people and nation so far.

Indonesia will be able to become a country that is much more prosperous and can be respected by other nations. Because they know the great potential of the country, this makes foreign parties feel dislike, therefore they continue to try to disrupt and thwart the progress of this nation.

Meanwhile, the majority of the people and people in Indonesia actually feel very satisfied with the era of President Jokowi’s leadership so far. This was discovered from an Analytical Research Data survey which showed that as many as 82.5 percent of the public stated that they were satisfied with the performance of Joko Widodo’s government.

Executive Director of Analytical Data Research, Nana Kardina, explained that only 15.2 percent of people admitted they were dissatisfied, including 2.9 percent who felt completely dissatisfied, and the remaining 2.3 percent said they didn’t know or didn’t know. answer the survey.

The people actually feel very satisfied with what the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia has done during his two terms of leadership because it is felt that there has been very massive development in all corners of the region and the good impact can be felt directly by the people, increasing economic activity and improving their welfare.

Apart from that, the founder of the Haidar Alwi Institute (HAI), R Haidar Alwi, also considered that the application for the right to inquiry would actually trigger a wave of protests from the majority of the people because the application for the right to inquiry in no way represents the wishes and interests of the people because the majority of people in Indonesia has approved the results of the 2024 elections.

In fact, the rollout of the right to inquiry is actually a representation of the wishes of only a handful of elites and does not reflect the voice of the majority of the people because they are pro towards the results of the General Election. For this reason, it is important that the elites do not sacrifice the people just for the sake of their political desires and because they are hungry for power.

Another survey from the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) stated that as many as 83.6 percent of the people felt satisfied with how the 2024 elections were held in Indonesia and as many as 76.4 percent said that the democratic party was running by implementing the principles of honesty and fairness.

It could be said that the March 5 2024 demonstration is very vulnerable to being manipulated by foreign parties, political elites who are only hungry for power and even sacrifice the interests of society. Moreover, in fact the demonstration movement does not at all represent the interests of the majority of the people.

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