PYCH as the Embodiment of the Government’s Commitment to Build Papua

By: Viktor Awoitauw )*

The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building is a concrete manifestation of the strong commitment that the Government of Indonesia has to continue to carry out equitable development in Indonesia and also pay attention to young people in Papua’s Cenderawasih Land.

Development in the Land of Papua has been continuously carried out by the government, especially since the era of President Jokowi’s leadership. How could it not be, so far the Trans Papua road infrastructure alone has been built along 3,462 kilometers (km), 1,098 km of border roads, 1.3 km of bridges, construction of airports in a number of areas around the Papua region and construction of border crossing posts.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has never stopped giving special attention to the younger generation in the Land of Papua. In fact, one of the concrete evidences of giving this special attention is the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building.

It should be noted that the design of the PYCH building was indeed intended as a creative economic center to be able to continue to empower young men and women on Cenderawasih Earth.

The PYCH building was built with a budget range of up to IDR 105 billion and has many rooms and very diverse functions. Some of the rooms contained in the building are multi-purpose rooms, religious rooms, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) development rooms with various sectors in them such as podcast studios, music studios, photography studios and cafes.

Regarding the strong commitment possessed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to continue to carry out development in the Land of Papua, the Special Staff (Stafsus) of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Education, Innovation and Outermost Regions, Billy Mambrasar said that the construction of the PYCH Building itself was a result of a follow-up meeting that took place at the State Palace in September 2019 ago.

At that time, a meeting had indeed taken place between President Jokowi and a number of young people in Bumi Cenderawasih. They have aspirations to be able to continue to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in the Land of Papua.

Then, after the meeting, it turned out that the Government of Indonesia immediately listened to all the aspirations of the youth in Papua and tried to make it happen with realization, namely the construction of a facility in the form of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) Building.

Billy added that his party was very grateful because it turned out that PCYH could be realized according to the target and it had been about 1 (one) month since it was first inaugurated by President Jokowi, namely on March 21, 2023.

Not only feeling grateful, but he also expressed his gratitude to the Head of State for giving a lot of attention to the youth in Papua until now. This also shows that the Government of Indonesia has a very strong commitment to continue to encourage increased welfare and progress of young people in Papua as human resources who are more qualified successors of Cenderawasih Earth.

In order to support the President’s vision of developing human resources in Papua, Billy Mambrasar, who is the founder and Board of Trustees of the Kitong Bisa Foundation, runs various programs and initiatives in the field of education and the development of young talent. Since being presented before the President during the inauguration of the last PYCH, Billy and the BAPER Team (BawaChange) have focused on the national movement for National Youth Talent Management (MANTAP). 

So far, President Jokowi himself has given a number of very clear reasons that there must be an even distribution of development. This must be able to continue to be guarded so that in the future there will no longer be an assumption that the government only pays attention to and prioritizes only one area in Indonesia.

Moreover, now the government has a strong commitment to implement an Indonesia-centric, equitable development paradigm, and not just Java-centric. With the presence of the PYCH Building itself, it is indeed very concrete evidence of how equitable development has been carried out seriously.

In his remarks at the time, President Jokowi expressed his pride that the request of 23 Papuan children in 2019 to have a space for empowerment and improvement in the quality of human resources could be seen through the presence of PYCH.

The PYCH Building was built as high as two floors with a total area of ​​5,392 square meters and 3,000 square meters of green land. This building is also equipped with sports facilities such as futsal courts and basketball courts.

Development throughout Indonesia is indeed being intensified by the government with a new paradigm, namely the existence of an Indonesia-centric distribution of development. This includes all remote areas that were also built, and the Land of Papua is no exception. As a concrete manifestation of the strong commitment of the Government of Indonesia and also how the President is very concerned about the welfare of the younger generation, the construction and inauguration of the PYCH Building is proof of that.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Papuan students living in Bandung

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