Religious Figures Appreciate a Decade of President Jokowi’s Performance, Support Prabowo-Gibran’s Sustainability Programs

Jakarta – The success of President Joko Widodo’s decade-long administration, marked by massive infrastructure development and economic stability, has received widespread appreciation from various sectors. In the midst of the transition period towards the leadership of the elected President and Vice President, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, figures from religious organizations express appreciation as well as hope for the continuation of Jokowi’s work programs. This concept of continuity is expected to strengthen the foundation that has been laid, so that various development programs can continue for the advancement of the nation.

The Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), KH. Marsudi Syuhud, expressed appreciation for the stability and development achieved during President Joko Widodo’s administration. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the continuity of development in the upcoming administration, so that the programs that have been initiated do not come to a halt.

“We are grateful that Indonesia is, at this moment, in a safe and comfortable condition.” “The infrastructure has been built extensively, all the needs that are very much required today have been met,” said KH. Marsudi. He also hopes that the elected President and Vice President, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, can continue the programs that have been implemented by President Jokowi. “We must not let anything be interrupted, because if it is interrupted, there will be something left hanging, then it will stop and be less beneficial,” he added.

In addition, KH. Marsudi also emphasized the importance of maintaining unity and harmony among religious communities, especially amidst the diversity that Indonesia possesses. According to him, religious life in Indonesia can serve as an example for other countries that have not yet been able to live together peacefully.

“We are religious people, the teachings of our faith are very clear.” “If selected, the next step is to be inaugurated and form the cabinet. So just follow these rules, there’s no need to worry, as everything is already clearly outlined,” he concluded.

The Secretary General of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, also expressed appreciation for President Jokowi’s performance over the past ten years, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development and economic stability. “There are four notable achievements, one of which is infrastructure development that supports economic growth and opens up isolated regions,” he said.

Prof. Abdul Mu’ti also emphasized the importance of supporting the new government under Prabowo and Gibran. “The election of Prabowo and Gibran is not just a victory for them, but also a victory for the Indonesian nation. We must give the new government the opportunity and trust to continue the administration of the state,” he asserted.

With support from various parties, it is hoped that this government transition can proceed smoothly and the sustainability programs initiated by President Jokowi can continue to develop under the new leadership.

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