Security Forces Successfully Arrest KST Papua Commander Recruiting Members

Great appreciation should be given to the ranks of the security forces from the combined personnel of the Republic of Indonesia who succeeded in arresting the TPNPB Commander, who himself had even recruited up to 500 young Papuans to become KST members.

One of the commanders of the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) was again successfully arrested by security forces from joint personnel consisting of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and also the Indonesian National Police (Polri). There is no doubt that the figure who has now been arrested is someone who has a very important role in the organization of the treason gang.

It is known that the figure who was arrested turned out to have previously recruited up to 500 young people in Bumi Cenderawasih to be brainwashed and then made into KST members in this turbulent area. The commander of the separatist group who was arrested was named Viktor Makamuke, who himself held the rank of Major General in the banned organization.

The start of his arrest was when he was near Jalan Baru, Sorong City, Southwest Papua Province and the security forces immediately arrested him very quickly. Then after being arrested, the top leader of the terrorist group was immediately taken to the South Sorong Police Resort (Polres) for further interrogation.

Of course, the interrogation carried out was about the crimes he had committed so far. However, before being questioned, Viktor Makamuke first went to high-ranking officials in Sorong Raya, including the Head of South Sorong Police, Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKBP) Khairudin Wahid.

Not only that, but the KST Papua frontman also met first with South Sorong Regent Samsudin Anggiluli, Regional Military Commander (Dandim) Lieutenant Colonel (Letkol) Ronal Mikhael Pati and also Head of National Unity and Police (Kesbangpol) South Sorong Edit Dony Tamaela.

For information, Viktor Makamuke himself is one of the commanders of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) and he has the rank of Major General, which rank he has is a gift given by Eliezer as one of the most feared figures in TPNPB.

Not only was he the Commander of the TPNPB, but this man also carried out a task which could be said to be very classy, ​​namely as a military advisor to an organization that wanted to liberate itself from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in the Kodap 4 region of Sorong Raya.

While Viktor Makamuke was carrying out his prestigious duties, he even recruited as many as 500 young people in the Bintuni Bay area to serve as sympathizers and members of KST Papua. It must have meant that the man had certain skills because by his ruse it was proven that he was able to brainwash the youths so that they eventually agreed to join the treason movement against the state.

Indeed, to be able to continue to run the gang, they really need cadre or regeneration of successors, so that the gang of treason will continue to try to recruit, in which they prioritize to attract young people.

The Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) in Indonesia’s easternmost province recruits teenagers from all regions of the Land of Papua to become their members. It’s not half-hearted, even teenagers who are often brainwashed into joining sympathizers are junior and high school students, as well as being used as human shields in attacking the security forces of the joint personnel.

Regarding this matter, the Head of Information for the Military Region (Kapendam)

The operation to recruit teenagers was carried out in various regions at once, such as Nduga, mountainous Papua and Intan Jaya, Central Papua. Not only do they intend to increase the number of members, carry out cadre formation or regeneration, but they also intend to recruit young middle and high school students to carry out attacks on security forces.

It is clear that the methods used by KST Papua just to be able to carry out attacks on the security forces, even taking advantage of teenagers by brainwashing them so that they want to attack the security forces, is a very barbaric step.

One of the recruitment of young people by separatist gangs in Bumi Cenderawasih was indeed an important and classy task carried out by a KST leader named Viktor Makamuke, he even recruited up to 500 young Papuans. But fortunately, now the Major General at TPNPB has been successfully secured and arrested by security forces.

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