Security Forces Take Preventive Steps After Determining Election Results

By: Diani Wulandari *)

Security forces are carrying out preventive measures to maintain conduciveness in society after the determination of the results of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) by the KPU following the Constitutional Court ( MK ) decision regarding the results of the presidential election dispute trial.

This preventive step is very important because it will be able to prevent the possibility or potential of other things occurring that are dangerous for the stability and security of the nation. Especially if this concerns conduciveness in society.

The reason is, in any condition and situation, especially in a crucial moment like now, namely when the 2024 election results are being determined, of course all elements of the nation should be able to continue to maintain conduciveness very well so that the transition of government in the future can take place well too.

Preemptive and preventive efforts are indeed two very important efforts, especially to be able to create stability, security and order in society (kamtibmas).

For your information, preemptive efforts are efforts at the decision-making and planning process level, while preventive efforts themselves are efforts at the implementation level through standard arrangements or prevention.

These two things really complement each other and are completely inseparable. The reason is that preemptive action itself aims to prevent security and public order (kamtibmas) disturbances, then preventive measures aim to overcome security and social security disturbances if they occur.

In this context, security forces carry out preemptive efforts by carrying out various activities such as open and closed security patrols as well as providing guidance and counseling (binluh) to the community as well as assisting the community in resolving current social problems.

The security patrols, which take place openly and privately, have the aim of creating a sense of security and comfort for all elements of the nation. Then guidance and counseling (binluh) to the community aims to further increase citizens’ awareness of how important it is to maintain security and public order (kamtibmas).

The aim of providing community assistance in resolving social problems in their midst is so that the residents themselves can prevent social conflicts that lead to disruption of social security and social security.

Then, in preventive efforts, the security forces have also carried out various forms of activities, including responding to complaints or reports from the public, reducing tensions in social conflicts and so on.

Responding to complaints or reports from the public clearly aims to prevent the possibility of even greater disruption to social security and order. Furthermore, reducing tension in social conflicts aims to prevent conflicts from occurring which actually lead to criminal acts.

In determining the results of the 2024 elections, the security forces will clearly continue to strive to achieve security and social security stability and conduciveness. One of them is from the West Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda), then the Singkawang Resort Police (Polres), and also the Sector Police (West Singkawang Police).

They all took preventive steps by carrying out patrols and security at a number of vital points in Singkawang City. This activity is part of efforts to continue to maintain order and security in society in determining the results of the 2024 elections.

Members of the security forces carried out active patrols to the offices of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) and the General Election Commission (KPU) in the local area. They carried out intensive monitoring around the KPU office and Bawaslu Secretariat to prevent potential security disturbances and also secure the entire process of determining the results of the 2024 National Election.

West Singkawang Police Chief, Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) Ronald Deny Napitupulu stated that the aim of the patrol activity was to create a conducive situation and maintain the stability of social security and order around the office which was the focus of supervision during the election process.

The security forces have a very strong commitment to continuing to provide maximum protection to all relevant agencies and maintaining security in the community.

All of these ongoing activities are very appropriate efforts by the security forces to create conducive security and order (kamtibmas). However, no matter how good the efforts are, it will clearly not be optimal if the community does not take an active role in supporting it.

Therefore, support from all elements of the nation is very important. Therefore, the community also needs to play an active role in continuing to maintain the conduciveness of their respective areas.

The following are several things that the community can do to continue to maintain security and regional conduciveness. First, namely continuing to increase awareness of the importance of maintaining security and order, then second, maintaining an attitude of tolerance and harmony between residents and reporting all forms of security and order disturbances to the authorities if they occur.

Good cooperation between security forces and the entire community is clearly an important key to creating social security and order and conduciveness so that all parties can live safely and comfortably. For this reason, very high appreciation should be given to the preventive steps taken by the authorities to protect the public in determining the results of the 2024 elections.

) * One Friend a Million Friends Foundation volunteer

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