Showing Concern, Government Distributes Rice to Thousands of People

Throughout October 2023, the Government will continue to intensify phase 2 social assistance of rice of 10 kg to lower middle class communities. 
Previously, the Government had carried out phase 1 of rice social assistance in March-June 2023. This rice social assistance was then reviewed and proven to be effective in reducing the inflation rate so that this program was continued through phase 2 of social assistance until the end of 2023.
The amount of social assistance for rice food is the same as stage 1 social assistance, namely 10 kg per Beneficiary Family (KPM) which will later be disbursed in three stages.
This rice social assistance comes from the Government Rice Reserve (CBP) which is managed by Perum Bulog. 
To receive this social assistance, the Government asks the public to ensure that their identity is registered on the list of recipients.
The community stated that the rice social assistance program carried out was a form of government concern for the community, especially the poor. 
The Wukirsari Subdistrict Government, DI Yogyakarta has distributed social assistance in the form of rice to 1097 KPM. 
This activity was also witnessed directly by the Head of Wukirsari Village, Handung Tri Rahmawan, as a form of effort to ensure transparency and efficiency in the distribution of social assistance to residents.
The social assistance distribution officer ensures that the distribution process runs in an orderly manner and follows the established regulations. 
Handung Village Head Tri Rahmawan said that his party would continue to work hard to ensure the welfare of the community and carry out the rice social assistance program as well as possible. 
According to him, the distribution of rice social assistance is not only material assistance, but also a sign of solidarity and commitment by the Wukirsari Subdistrict Government to always care for its citizens.
Meanwhile, the District Government. 
Jember through the District Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Service. 
Jember distributes food reserve rice in order to control and restrain the increase in the price of the staple rice commodity in the district. 
Panti Village, District. 
Panti is a village that is categorized as a community with extreme levels of poverty. 
The Jember government prioritizes targeted rice social assistance to the village. 
The rice aid distributed in Panti Village was 1,312 KPM with each individual receiving 10 kg of rice.
The distribution of rice food reserves from the Government is assisted and supervised by the Social Services Facilitator, Jember City Social Service so that they can be mobilized quickly and for consumption purposes as well as dealing with emergencies and anticipating unexpected price fluctuations. 
The Central Government’s policy regarding the distribution of rice food reserves is currently considered very appropriate because it can reduce the burden on the lower classes and reduce the rate of extreme poverty in the District. 
On the same occasion, the District Government. 
Jember also distributed rice food aid in Rambipuji District. 
This distribution has been carried out with a target of more than 4,500 beneficiaries. 
With this assistance, it is hoped that the stunting rate can be reduced and the recipients can be helped in meeting basic needs.
On the other hand, Kab. 
Purbalingga also plays a role in prioritizing community welfare through social rice assistance. 
The Regent of Purbalingga, Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi distributed rice social assistance to residents who were entitled to receive it and needed it. 
He hopes that this social welfare program will be useful and can reach people in need in order to reduce free spending.
Meanwhile, as an effort to maintain the momentum of economic recovery and maintain people’s purchasing power, the Government recently stated that the distribution of 10 kg of rice aid will be extended until 2024. 
Of course, this is a golden opportunity for Indonesian people who have not previously received social assistance.
The government, with the help of a number of parties, especially PT Pos Indonesia, is intensifying the distribution of social assistance throughout Indonesia. 
PT Pos Indonesia will speed up the process of distributing food social assistance in the form of rice so that it is distributed in a timely manner to recipient residents according to registered data.
Executive General Manager of PT Pos Indonesia KCU Banda Aceh, Nur Zamaludin said that his party is coordinating with relevant 
stakeholders and Perum Bulog Banda Aceh to directly inspect and ensure the quality of the rice that will be distributed to the community.
The Government’s concern for the Indonesian people is very high. 
This is proven by the ongoing program to distribute social rice assistance to people in need to avoid rice price spikes and ease their economy. 
Even in distributing aid, the Government continues to prioritize the quality of the rice that will be distributed so that people can still enjoy quality rice at affordable prices. 
Thus, the public does not need to worry about the availability of rice stocks until 2024 because the Government will provide this social assistance until 2024 in order to stabilize rice prices and maintain people’s purchasing power.
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