By: Gema Iva Kirana )*
All people in Indonesia must participate in overseeing all processes of implementing the General Election (Election) in 2024 so that it can run by upholding honest and fair principles.
It is known that indeed the title of the democratic party, the General Election (Election) will soon be held in 2024. Even so, it turns out that the echo of everything related to political contestation continues to occur everywhere, including the many issues that accompany it to how the tensions that occur regarding the presidential nomination.
With the arrival of the 2024 elections which will soon be held, Chairperson of the Republic of Indonesia People’s Representative Council (DPR RI), Puan Maharani invites all people to continue to oversee the implementation of general elections so that they can take place properly, honestly and fairly (Jurdil).
It cannot be denied that it is indeed the joint task of all people in the country to be able to oversee the entire election implementation process so that it can run as expected and avoid unwanted things.
However, it is not only the community or the public who have a very important role to continue to maintain and guarantee the continuity of elections that can run well, honestly and fairly, but this is also the duty of political parties (Polpol), especially those who participate in the election itself. .
In this context, the role of political parties in continuing to push for general elections to be held properly, honestly and fairly is when political parties are able to articulate very clearly all the interests of the people. When they compete with each other in this articulation, a quality election will also occur.
The quality of the election will obviously increase, if the contestation can be carried out purely by considering the vision and mission or work program of each political party or prospective leader who will advance in the democratic party.
On the contrary, when the implementation of the General Election is characterized by the absence of honest and fair contestation, and there are conflicting programs or visions and missions from political parties and from prospective leaders who carry out the General Election, of course this will damage the quality of the implementation of the democratic party process. Alone.
Also included, for all political parties participating in the 2024 General Election, it is hoped that they will be able to continue to hold very firmly the commitment they have to be able to maintain and also continue to guard the nation’s ideology and also continue to strengthen national unity.
The existence of national unity is also very important to maintain and guarantee the quality of general elections, because people can remain united and live in harmony side by side even though for example they have different political views.
The reason is, in a country that implements a democratic system, it is certainly a necessity when the people themselves have different opinions and also different political views, but these differences should not be used as an excuse to divide one another.
The holding of political contestation in the form of general elections (Elections) in the upcoming 2024 year, which will be carried out according to the schedule that has been agreed upon, is a strong effort to be able to continue to improve the functioning of the democratic system adopted by the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
How could it not be, this is also appropriate and enshrined in the state constitution, namely in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which has provided a strong guarantee for the improvement of the democratic system in the country, one of which is through the implementation of General Elections. held periodically for 5 (five) years.
The election is also a concrete manifestation of efforts to implement the principle of checks and balances over power in Indonesia, because this principle is also very important in the functioning of the democratic system and is certainly capable of making Indonesia itself more advanced.
It cannot be denied anymore, because when the general election proceeds in accordance with the implementation according to the provisions of the country’s constitution, the circulation of leadership changes will also occur and the democratic system will also become healthier with a change in leadership.
In the same vein, the General Chairperson (Ketum) of PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir also invited all people in Indonesia to participate and actively participate in overseeing all stages of the 2024 Election so that it can continue to run honestly and fairly. The principles of honesty and justice can be created together through a shared commitment.
The whole process of implementing the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) must indeed be escorted by all elements of the nation and all people in the country so that it can run by upholding honest and fair principles because it is for the sake of ensuring the upholding of a quality democratic system in Indonesia.
)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute