Strengthen National Insight to Create a Conducive and Safe 2024 Election

Strengthening nationalism in the midst of society is one of the most important keys to being able to create a quality democratic climate and encouraging the 2024 Election to always be in conducive and safe conditions, so that divisions or polarization in society can be minimized when all elements have political literacy. the good one.

In fact, differences of opinion are a natural and common thing, especially in the context of citizens living in an area that adheres to a democratic system like Indonesia. It’s not just a difference of opinion, even the country also has a diversity of people’s backgrounds which are also very varied.

Then, in welcoming the democratic party with the general election (Pemilu) which will be held in 2024, of course the Indonesian people will also be encountered with many differences of opinion, especially in choosing a candidate leader who is considered and felt to be suitable to become the next leader of this nation .

However, precisely with these differences in choices, don’t let these different choices be taken advantage of by a number of certain groups who really want to pit one against the other and make society itself divided and hostile to each other in the presence of strong polarization.

Therefore, it is very important for all elements of Indonesian society to be able to encourage and work together in realizing a quality democratic climate in the country. Because with a good democratic climate, of course it will also have a good impact on the future of this nation.

Regarding this matter, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin emphasized that when the people really want a good democratic climate and an increase in quality, then the holding of the General Elections (Election) in 2024 must be able to take place. by upholding the principles of honesty, safety and peace.

He appealed to the whole community to be able to work together in maintaining the 2024 Election so that it can continue to run in a conducive manner so that later, the conduciveness of the running of the election will also correlate with the election of the nation’s best leader, a leader who will indeed devote all his time to his energy and thoughts only for the sake of welfare of the Indonesian people.

Meanwhile, Former Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNPT RI), Komjen Pol (Purn) Boy Rafli Amar said that his party had also played a very active role in efforts to create a climate of quality democracy in Indonesia.

He is determined and committed very strongly to be able to participate in realizing quality democracy, in which society can be free from polarization which can cause the public to become hostile to each other and also results from the many polarized narratives of identity politics which are very common nowadays in the media. social media and the internet, especially in a political year like now.

At that time, Komjen Pol (Purn) Boy stated that the BNPT RI continued to encourage all people to be able to carry out many mitigation steps together so that democratic life in the country could be of high quality and completely free from narratives that could divide society.

Therefore, his party is very worried about the widespread spread of narratives that contain hostility, narratives of hatred which have the potential to trigger intolerance among people, as well as radicalism and terrorism.

In order to be able to overcome all of these misguided narratives, the former Head of the BNPT RI hopes that all people will be able to participate in maintaining the strengthening of national insights to their constituents. The reason is, by strengthening the national insight, it will clearly strengthen and strengthen unity in society.

He also really hopes that the strengthening of nationalism is not only carried out by a few parties, but for him the most important thing is that political parties (Polpol) can participate in socializing the spirit of unity and integrity despite differences in choices in society as an educational effort. politics to the public. The integrity of the Indonesian nation and state must be maintained by all parties.

Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs General Police (Purn) Prof. Drs. H. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, BA., MA., Ph.D. hope that all elements of the nation, especially state institutions in this case the BNPT RI can fill the public space with narratives of the 4 National Consensus (Pancasila, NKRI, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and the 1945 Constitution).

Efforts to continue to create a democratic climate that is conducive and safe in holding democratic elections in 2024 are indeed very important to be able to continue to maintain the quality of democratization in Indonesia. Therefore, the strengthening of nationalism in society must also be intensified.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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