Strengthen the Spirit of Pancasila to Fight the Radicalism Virus

Indonesia, as a country consisting of various tribes, religions and cultures, faces great challenges in maintaining unity and integrity. One of the serious threats faced is radicalism and intolerance, which can damage social harmony and national stability. This phenomenon not only threatens national security but also threatens the social harmony that we have built together since independence.

Therefore, as concerned citizens, we must take proactive steps to be aware of and fight the spread of radicalism and intolerance. Apart from that, strengthening Pancasila values ​​and national insight is very important in preventing the spread of radical ideology in Indonesia.

Radicalism and intolerance often arise from a lack of understanding and unawareness of the diversity that exists in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country rich in culture, religion and ethnicity. This diversity should be a source of strength, not division. However, without correct understanding and without respect for differences, this diversity can be manipulated by certain parties to spread hatred and hostility.

This is where it is important to strengthen Pancasila values ​​and national insight. Pancasila, as the basis of the state, is a moral and ethical guide for all Indonesian people. The five precepts contained in it offer basic principles for peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and working together for the common good.

Various initiatives have been taken by the regional government (Pemda) to protect society, especially the state civil apparatus (ASN), from the influence of radicalism and intolerance. One example is the steps taken by the Purbalingga Regency Government, which requires ASN to take part in education and training (training) based on Pancasila and national insight. It is hoped that this initiative can build a strong ASN character and integrity, and be able to become a pioneer in fighting radicalism in their environment.

The Regent of Purbalingga, Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi, emphasized the importance of this step at the ASN Workshop on June 21 2024. According to him, radicalism has infiltrated various sectors of society, including Islamic studies, education and government bureaucracy. Therefore, strengthening the noble values ​​of the Pancasila ideology is a strategic step to protect ourselves from this threat.

Regulations that support character education in Purbalingga already exist, namely Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 7 of 2023 concerning Character Education, Pancasila, National Insight and Anti-Corruption. With the existence of this Regional Regulation, regional governments have a strong legal basis to implement Pancasila education and national insight in a more systematic and structured manner.

The importance of strengthening Pancasila values ​​was also emphasized by the speaker at the ASN National Workshop, Gus Islah Bahrawi. He emphasized that tolerance and a sense of togetherness in diversity must be maintained by all ASN. According to him, implementing sharia law personally is the right of every individual, but as Indonesian citizens, we must submit to state regulations based on Pancasila. This opinion strengthens the argument that Pancasila as a state ideology must be upheld by every citizen, without exception.

Apart from Purbalingga, Bengkalis Regency has also shown a similar commitment in preventing the spread of radicalism. The Regent of Bengkalis, Kasmarni, through the Assistant for Government and People’s Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of Bengkalis Regency, Andris Wasono, invited the public to strengthen their commitment to preventing radicalism and terrorism. This prevention effort was carried out by involving various parties, such as the TNI, Polri, religious organizations and non-governmental organizations. This collaboration shows that preventing radicalism is not only the responsibility of the government, but also of society as a whole.

The important role of education in warding off radicalism can also be seen from the Bengkalis Regency Government’s efforts to assign religious counselors to villages to provide an understanding of the dangers of radicalism and terrorism. This program aims to create awareness among the public about the threat of radicalism, as well as building strong social resilience at the community level.

Apart from that, the National Police also plays an active role in socializing the dangers of radicalism through the media. This effort is made to ensure that the public gets correct information and can recognize and reject radical ideas which often spread through cyber, electronic and social media. Collaboration between security forces and mass media is an important key in disseminating educational information and preventing the spread of hoaxes that can trigger radicalism.

Facing the threat of radicalism, efforts to strengthen Pancasila values ​​and national insight must not stop at the level of mere rhetoric. Real and sustainable implementation is needed so that people, especially the younger generation, can understand and practice Pancasila in their daily lives. Character education based on Pancasila must start from an early age, both through the formal curriculum at school and extracurricular activities that strengthen feelings of patriotism and national awareness.

In the end, strengthening Pancasila values ​​and national insight is the main key in maintaining national unity and unity. By understanding and practicing Pancasila, Indonesian people can build strong social resilience and be able to ward off various threats of radicalism and intolerance. This effort requires cooperation from all parties, from the government, security forces, educational institutions, to the wider community. Only with shared commitment, Indonesia can realize its ideals of becoming a peaceful, just and prosperous nation, in accordance with the spirit of Pancasila.

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