Chairman of the Makassar City People’s Fighters Union and Head of P3A HMI Makassar STDN Commissariat Muhammad Riswan emphasized his commitment to jointly prevent the spread of radicalism.
In a video testimonial received by media crew, Riswan initially explained the negative impact of digitizing information which also became a means of spreading radicalism.
“Today’s increasingly massive internet penetration has, on the one hand, accelerated the exchange of information so that it is able to move the economy. “But on the other hand, the existence of the internet has proven to be a fertile ground for the spread of radical and intolerant ideologies.” Obviously
He views the younger generation as future leaders of the nation so they must always be alert to the threat of radicalism and have high values of tolerance amidst Indonesia’s diversity.
“Indonesia’s young generation needs to increase awareness of
“issues of intolerance, radicalism and terrorism,” he stressed.
Therefore, he hopes that the younger generation will be able to prevent this prohibited ideology, which is allegedly widely circulating through social media.
“One of the preventive measures that can be taken is to be wise in using social media. “Considering that currently there is a lot of misinformation circulating on social media, it is important to be able to choose the right reference in accessing information so as not to be provoked,” he said.
Other efforts that can be taken, continued Riswan, are through increasing religious, national and socio-political insight.
“Efforts are needed to foster the spirit of Pancasila in young people as capital in building an understanding of tolerance amidst existing differences.” Riswan said
In a separate location, the Head of Cadreization for the Branch Management of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PC PMII) Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Ramli Ardiansah emphasized the importance of good education through education to fight radicalism.
Ramli believes that the younger generation can be exposed to radicalism because young people are in an identity crisis phase and are easily lured by the ethos of the spirit of struggle to change the situation.
“Today’s youth generation is attracted to the ethos of fighting against corruption, which then causes the spread of radicalism, which is the main suggestion for the youth generation,” he explained.
According to Ramli, radicalism has a negative impact on the integrity of the Indonesian nation.
“The threat of radicalism to the Indonesian nation is that it divides us as a religious community and the integrity of the Indonesian nation,” he explained.
Therefore, Ramli advised the younger generation to always increase their nationalism and implement religious moderation.
Not to forget, he also conveyed the importance of fortifying oneself with radical understanding.