Support from PBB Strengthens Jokowi – Ma’ruf Coalition

Support from PBB Strengthens Jokowi – Ma’ruf Coalition

By: Shinta Nurjannah (Gunadarma University Student)

The secretary of the Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin National Campaign Team (TKN), Hasto Kristiyanto, said the Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB) strengthened the voting base in four provinces where the Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla pair had suffered a defeat in the 2014 Presidential Election. responding to PBB support for candidate pair number 01 in the 2019 Presidential Election.

Hasto stated that the Islamic ideology base owned by the United Nations could strengthen support for Jokowi-Ma’uf in the areas of West Sumatra, Aceh, West Java and South Kalimantan. Hasto also hopes that the United Nations can work on the votes in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in the 2019 Presidential Election.

Previously, on November 30, 2018, President Jokowi had received a visit from General Chairperson of the Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB) Yusril Ihza Mahendra at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java.

Yusril, who had previously agreed and accepted the offer to be the attorney for the presidential candidate number 01, met with President Jokowi to discuss the country’s problems, especially the constitutional issue.

After the meeting, Yusril signaled that his party would support Jokowi in the 2019 Presidential Election.

The professor who was once a Professor in UI explained that the
PBB would determine its political stance in the 2019 Election in January 2019.

The support of the party led by Yusril Ihza Mahendra was announced in the
PBB National Working Meeting some time ago.

Although there is no denial in the internal PBB there are dynamics, pros cons. The former secretary of state in the SBY era believes that the internal party will be in line with its political choices.

Yusril said that his decision to support Jokowi was also supported by UN cadres. This matter has been discussed for a long time, including in the meetin meeting of the United Nations Election Committee and the Chair of the DPW.

Yusril also said that he had not been opposed to the government so far, although he often expressed criticism, and sometimes quite loudly.

But according to him the criticism was constructive criticism. In addition to criticism, He also often gives advice to President Jokowi, especially in dealing with legal issues as a hope to be considered by the President and bring benefits to the life of the nation and state.

In the eyes of politics, the steps taken by the Chairperson of the PPB were assessed to raise the
PBB . Including, passing the party to parliament in the 2019 legislative elections (Pileg).

Responding to this, Sukmo Harsono, Chairperson of the United Nations Leadership Division, said that whatever steps Yusril would take would be followed by cadres. Conscious cadres and constituents to get through to Senayan need to take strategic steps.

Pemuda Bulan Bintang Jawa Barat, also ready to support the steps of Yusril Ihza Mahendra who took the position to win the candidate pair number 01 in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election.

Chairman of the West Java Star Month Youth, M. Ali Nurhakim, stressed that his party also supported Yusril’s step, which was elected as a lawyer for Jokowi-Ma’uf.

Meanwhile, The Habibie Center Researcher, Bawono Kumoro, considers that the entry of the UN will strengthen the voting base 01 in the four provinces which are the basis of the voice of Islam. According to him, the UN’s decision to support Jokowi-Ma’uf was considered to have been based on careful consideration and in accordance with the Party ART.

Bawono considered that the reason the
PBB supported the 01 so that it could be helped to escape the parliamentary threshold in the upcoming elections was quite reasonable.

This was based on evaluating the trip of the party under the leadership of MS Kaban for the last two periods, then continued Yusril seeing the UN support for Prabowo in the last election did not bring electoral incentives to the PBB.

In addition, Bawono considered, the declaration of the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq that the FPI administrators who became
PBB candidates to resign massively were fine.

Even so, the announcement is not necessarily effective in undermining the
PBB vote in the upcoming elections because the main icon of this party is none other than Yusril Ihza Mahendra, founder and leader of an Islam-based party.

The PPB support has the potential to add another line of Islamic parties that will support Jokowi – Maufuf.

With the joining of the PBB to Jokowi – Maufuf, political experts considered the right step for the party which had dimmed on the main national political stage in recent years. This will be a symbiosis of mutualism for the UN and the Jokowi – Maufuf camp, as well as political education for the community, especially Indonesian Muslims.

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