Support PPKM Level 3 when Nataru

By: Sentiaji Wibowo)*

The government will impose Level 3 Restrictions on the Enforcement of Community Activities (PPKM) during Christmas and New Year’s (Nataru) momentum. This rule is enforced with discipline, to prevent an increase in Corona cases in Indonesia.

Usually the end of the year is always greeted with great enthusiasm because the children are off school and their parents ask for leave, then they go home or go on an excursion. However, during a pandemic, holidays can bring disaster. The reason is that the increase in community mobility has led to an increase in the number of Corona patients, so the government regulates Nataru’s holiday very strictly.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy emphasized that during the Nataru holiday (December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022) PPKM level 3 applies with the following rules: first, fireworks and processions are prohibited on December 31. If there is a ban, then no one should dare to sell fireworks on the streets because it triggers people to buy and light them.

So it is clear that there should be no celebration to welcome the new year 2022, either in cafes, hotels or homes. Don’t because it’s safe, instead make a chicken roast event at home and invite a lot of people. It’s tantamount to creating a crowd and violating health protocols.

Second, for civil servants, officers (TNI/Polri), and private employees are prohibited from traveling outside the city. Again, the reason is that the increase in the mobility of citizens has led to an increase in the number of Corona patients in Indonesia. Moreover, for ASN and apparatus, they can be subject to severe sanctions when they are caught traveling during PPKM level 3 Nataru. Do not be reckless because it can affect the position in the office.

While the third, public places such as cafes, restaurants, and malls may be opened during PPKM level 3. However, the maximum number of visitors is 50%. Managers please obey these rules and don’t dare to open all seats for customers. Instead of being followed up by the Covid handling task force and finally being sealed for a few days.

The regulation in the fourth PPKM level 3 Nataru is tightening the entry and exit of Indonesia, and there must be screening, especially for Indonesian citizens who return from work abroad. This is not discrimination, but a way to protect them from the possibility of Corona transmission. So they have to be willing to do a PCR test and isolate at the hotel for 5 days.

The community supports the rules in PPKM level 3 Nataru, because they realize that all of this is enforced for mutual safety and no one gets Corona. Don’t let the Nataru holiday season become a disaster because at tourist attractions and malls the visitors are mixed up so that there are crowds and finally a new Corona cluster is formed.

Residents are also orderly in undergoing Nataru’s holiday and stay at home. Not because they are afraid of sanctions from their superiors, but they realize that it is still a pandemic period, so activities outside the home for tertiary things such as recreation should not be done, because the risk is very high. Holidays at home are also happy because currently there is a lot of entertainment from gadgets and food can be delivered orders.

Public awareness that needs to be fostered so that everything is orderly in carrying out the various rules in PPKM level 3 Nataru. Because if everyone is disciplined, it will minimize the transmission of Corona. So that we can be free from the pandemic period as soon as possible.

During the Nataru holiday, PPKM level 3 was applied in Indonesia. This rule was enforced so that everyone was safe from the dangers of Corona, and not to be underestimated because it was for the sake of mutual health. Don’t be desperate for a vacation but go home miserable because of Corona.

)* The author is a contributor to the Circle of the Equator

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