Supporting Collaboration of All Elements of Society to Realize Peaceful Regional Elections

Supporting Collaboration of All Elements of Society to Realize Peaceful Regional Elections

Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are an important moment in a country’s democratic journey. This process does not just determine who will lead a region, but also reflects the quality and maturity of the existing political system. It contains great hopes for building a better democratic life, where active participation from various levels of society is the key to success. So to realize democratic elections, collaboration between various parties is needed. All election management components must have the same rhythm so that if problems occur in implementation they can be easily overcome. 

Pilkada is an important event where the community can determine the direction of regional development through direct election of regional heads. However, to realize quality and sustainable regional elections, cooperation between government, civil society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mass media and other elements in society is needed. This collaboration is a strong foundation for ensuring that the regional election process is transparent, fair and democratic.

The government has a crucial role in ensuring the continuity of quality regional elections. They are responsible for providing the necessary facilities and infrastructure, providing strict supervision of the Pilkada process, and ensuring that all stages run in accordance with applicable regulations. However, without active participation from the community, it will be difficult for the government’s efforts to succeed.
Collaboration between the government and the community is the main key in maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the regional elections. The government needs to open itself to constructive input and criticism from the public, and involve them actively in every stage of the regional elections, from planning to implementation and evaluation. On the other hand, the community also needs to be actively involved in monitoring the Pilkada process, providing input, and monitoring any potential violations or fraud that may occur.

In order to prepare for security for the 2024 regional elections at the provincial and district/city levels, the South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) held a cross-sectoral coordination meeting at the Galaxy Hotel Banjarmasin. South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Winarto delivered four important messages regarding the implementation of the future choices for governor/deputy governor, mayor/deputy mayor and regent/deputy regent in South Kalimantan.

The first message, to the TNI-Polri, regional governments, election organizers and supervisors, and other stakeholders, is to build good, effective and efficient communication in securing the upcoming regional elections. Then, the South Kalimantan Police Chief invited to increase early detection and prevention of potential security disturbances in the community. Third, there is a matter of professionalism and integrity that must be considered high in carrying out their duties. Lastly, training and readiness to ensure all personnel involved in this operation have adequate capabilities.

Meanwhile, the Governor of South Kalimantan, Uncle Birin, in his remarks delivered by the Provincial Secretary, said that this cross-sectoral coordination meeting was a momentum for all parties to ensure the readiness of South Kalimantan Province in facing the 2024 Regional Election. Uncle Birin appreciated the efforts of all relevant stakeholders, including the police who will secure the 2024 Regional Election.

The mass media has a very important role in the regional election process. They act as guardians of truth and conveyers of information to the wider community. Through objective and balanced coverage, mass media can help educate the public about the importance of Pilkada, introduce the candidates who will compete, and provide space for various views and opinions from various groups.

Collaboration between the mass media, the government and society is a key factor in creating a healthy and balanced information environment ahead of the regional elections. The mass media needs to maintain its independence and not get caught up in certain political interests, so that it can act as an objective balancer in conveying information to the public. On the other hand, the government and society need to provide support and cooperation to the mass media in carrying out their duties as guardians of democracy.

Apart from the media, NGOs and civil society have a very important role in overseeing the Pilkada process to ensure that all stages run fairly and transparently. They can monitor any potential violations or fraud that may occur, provide legal assistance to candidates or regional election participants who need it, and carry out advocacy to fight for the public interest.

Collaboration between mass media, NGOs, civil society and various other related parties is the key to ensuring the success of regional elections with integrity. Through close collaboration, they can support and complement each other in monitoring the Pilkada process, as well as providing assistance and support to anyone who needs it. Apart from that, this collaboration can also be a means of strengthening networks and capacity for NGOs and civil society in carrying out advocacy and monitoring in the future.

Collaboration between government, society, mass media, NGOs and various other related parties is a strong foundation in facing challenges and obstacles in the Pilkada process. Through good coordination and mutual support, they can identify potential problems that arise, find the best solutions, and take preventive action to prevent violations or fraud. In this way, the regional election process can run smoothly and with integrity, so that the results can be trusted and recognized by the entire community.

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