By : Diani Wulandari)*
The General Election Commission (KPU) invites the entire community to play an active role in making the 2024 regional head elections (Pilkada) a success. Community participation is not only important for the continuity of the democratic process, but also ensures that the results are accurate and reflect the will of the people. Let us unite and take part in this democratic party for a better future.
Organizing regional elections is not an easy task that can only be carried out by the KPU itself. Regarding this matter, the Jayapura Regency KPU, under the leadership of Efra J Tunya, is well aware of this. Efra emphasized that the success of the 2024 Pilkada really depends on the active participation of the community in 139 villages and five sub-districts in Jayapura Regency. Without support from citizens, all the efforts and preparations made by the KPU will be in vain.
In the series of stages of the Pilkada, the public is expected not only to be present at the voting booth on voting day, but also to take part in maintaining security and order in their respective environments. The success of the regional elections is not just the task of the KPU, but also the collective responsibility of all citizens. By maintaining security and order, and actively participating in every stage, the community helps ensure that the democratic process runs smoothly and peacefully.
The importance of the participation of various elements of society in this Pilkada cannot be ignored. Efra J Tunya emphasized that the KPU really needs direct involvement from regional governments, TNI/Polri security forces, traditional leaders, religious leaders, community leaders and members of the press. It is hoped that all parties can collaborate for the successful implementation of the Pilkada. By establishing good cooperation, the hope of holding safe and smooth regional elections will be more easily realized.
The launch of the 2024 Jayapura regent and deputy regent election, which was held at the Apple Field of the Jayapura Regent’s Office, marked the KPU’s commitment to making the Pilkada a success. This event also functions as a form of outreach to disseminate information related to the Pilkada stages to the people of Jayapura Regency.
The pressing of the siren button during the event symbolized the start of a series of regional election activities which will culminate in the voting on November 27 2024.
The Acting Regent of Jayapura, Triwarno Purnomo, reminded that the simultaneous Pilkada stages require participation from all parties, both organizers and supervisors, as well as Pilkada participants. All parties are expected to comply with applicable rules and regulations to maintain good harmonization and coordination. With synergy from district to village/subdistrict level, as well as support from Bawaslu, TNI-Polri, and the entire community, the implementation of regional elections in Jayapura Regency can run successfully.
The Indigenous Community Institution (LMA) of Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Mountains, also invites all residents to monitor the stages of the 2024 regional elections so that they run safely and peacefully. Herman Doga, Chairman of the Jayawijaya Regency LMA, emphasized the importance of the spirit of brotherhood in making the Pilkada a success. Pilkada is a national agenda that must be maintained and succeeded together, not only by the regional government but also by all components of society.
Herman Doga appealed to the public not to be easily provoked by information that could divide national unity and integrity. The public is expected to become smarter in filtering information, so that the Pilkada process can run safely without security disturbances. In this way, regional elections can produce the best leaders to develop the Papua Mountains region even better.
On the other hand, the South Aceh Regency Government also invites all elements of society to work together to make the 2024 Pilkada a success. The Acting Regent of South Aceh, Cut Syazalisma, emphasized that the Pilkada is not only an administrative procession but also a celebration of democracy that will determine the direction and future of the region. Community participation determines the success of the regional elections.
Cut Syazalisma reminded that differences in choices in regional elections are part of the democratic process which must be properly maintained. Don’t let these differences destroy the values of togetherness and unity. Therefore, all elements of society in South Aceh Regency are expected to maintain unity and integrity during the implementation of the Regional Elections.
It is also important for Pilkada organizers to uphold the principles of democracy and neutrality. Organizers must not take sides or support certain candidates, because their neutrality is the key to the success of this democratic party.
By carrying out duties and functions based on democratic principles, as well as maintaining regional conduciveness, the election of the Regent and Deputy Regent of South Aceh can be carried out successfully and with dignity.
In the end, the 2024 Pilkada is not just an opportunity to elect leaders, but is also a reflection of the spirit of democracy that we uphold. The success of this regional election will be a reflection of our commitment as a society that cares about the future of the region and nation.
Active participation from all levels of society, from ordinary citizens, traditional leaders, religious leaders, to security forces, is vital. Let’s create a safe, peaceful and successful regional election, for the sake of a better future.
)* The author is a Persada Institute Researcher