Jakarta – The government through various ministries continues to strive to encourage inclusive economic development, one of which is by introducing the concept of the Red and White Village Cooperative. This program is believed to strengthen the village economy and make a major contribution to national economic growth.
Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Muhammad Tito Karnavian, said that the Red and White Village Cooperative can strengthen the village economy and make it a new economic center. Its existence is very strategic in overcoming various problems, including social welfare inequality.
“This cooperative plays an important role in realizing food security at the village level. This is an important step to create a healthier and more equitable village economy. With this cooperative, farmers’ production results can be properly absorbed, so that they are protected from fraudulent practices that are detrimental,” said Tito.
Tito also added that government programs to improve the welfare of village communities will be easier to implement with the existence of this cooperative.
Likewise, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Budi Arie Setiadi, emphasized that the Red and White Village Cooperative was designed to improve the welfare of village communities as a whole. It is expected to have a broad positive impact in improving the welfare and quality of life of village communities.
“Cooperatives are an important instrument in realizing economic equality in Indonesia. Eradicating poverty in villages is the main key to the nation’s progress. National economic development will be meaningless if many rural communities still live in poverty,” said Budi.
Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of PPN/Deputy Head of Bappenas, Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard, stated that based on the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTESN), almost 40% of poor people in Indonesia live in villages.
“Strategic steps are needed such as the establishment of this cooperative to increase the selling price of agricultural products, create new jobs, and strengthen the economy at the village level. This is very important to realize a more inclusive and sustainable village economy,” said Febrian.
“This cooperative will have a direct impact on rural communities, by reducing economic disparities and improving access to markets for local products,” he added.
The presence of the Merah Putih Village Cooperative is not only a tool for economic empowerment, but also a solution to the problem of social inequality that occurs in many regions. This program is expected to encourage rural communities to be more independent and competitive, as well as open up opportunities for the younger generation of villages to innovate in managing local potential.