Technology Startup Development in the AMANAH Program Implements President Jokowi’s Vision to Support the Creative Economy

By: Rahmat Tri Al-Fallah )*

The development of technology start-ups in Aceh through the Aceh Digital Innovation and Creativity Techfest (ADICT) program, which is a collaboration between Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Hebat (AMANAH) and Markas Aceh, is one of the strategic initiatives to strengthen the creative economy in the region. This program is very much in line with the grand vision of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who places the creative economy and digital innovation as one of the main pillars in driving the Indonesian economy, especially with a focus on developing the potential of the younger generation.

President Jokowi’s vision of strengthening the creative economy and digital transformation is rooted in the belief that technological innovation is the future of the Indonesian economy. In recent years, the government has continued to encourage the birth of young talents in the technology sector, who are expected to be able to make significant contributions to the national economy. The AMANAH program is present as a concrete form of this effort, especially in Aceh, with a focus on empowering and developing technology start-ups managed by the local young generation.

One concrete form of this initiative is ADICT, an event designed to support the growth of the technology startup ecosystem in Aceh. This program selects 12 of the best startup teams that have the potential to be further developed through a curation process by mentors who are experts and practitioners in the technology field. Mentors such as Muammar Khadafi, Qurratu Aini, and Suhil Alfata provide intensive mentoring to help startup players prepare their businesses to face challenges in the digital industry. The startups that qualified include Pandu Cerdas, Mugee, e-tikbroh.yak, Ludesc, Algae ID, Nutribox, Puleh, Virtual House*, and others, which focus on various innovative digital solutions.

The ADICT program initiated by AMANAH directly refers to the efforts of the central government led by President Jokowi to improve the creative economy through the use of technology and innovation. President Jokowi has emphasized on various occasions the importance of the role of technology in driving inclusive and sustainable economic growth. He emphasized that by utilizing digital technology, Indonesia can more quickly carry out an economic transformation that prioritizes creativity, innovation, and empowerment of the younger generation.

Programs such as ADICT serve as a platform that provides access to the young generation in Aceh to develop their creative ideas into real and impactful businesses. With the support of a strong ecosystem, startups in Aceh participating in ADICT are expected to be able to create new innovations that are relevant to the needs of the community and are able to compete in a wider market, both nationally and globally.

One of the mentors at ADICT, Muammar Khadafi, stated that technology startups in Aceh actually have great potential, but require better ecosystem support. This is in line with Jokowi’s vision which emphasizes the importance of creating a conducive ecosystem for business development, especially for the technology and creative economy sectors. With adequate digital infrastructure support, access to mentors and investors, and digital skills development, it is hoped that Aceh can become a new center of innovation in Indonesia.

The success of the AMANAH program in encouraging the development of technology startups in Aceh will have a significant positive impact on the local and national economy. First, this program creates new job opportunities for creative and innovative young people. Second, with the increasing number of technology startups, other economic sectors will also be encouraged to develop, including tourism, education, and trade. This will ultimately strengthen the economic structure of Aceh, which does not only depend on traditional sectors.

This startup development initiative is also expected to strengthen Aceh’s competitiveness at the national and international levels. By developing start-ups that are able to compete in the technology industry, Aceh can play a role as one of the centers of technology innovation in Indonesia. Startups that successfully grow under the guidance of AMANAH have the potential to introduce innovative products and services that can be adopted in a wider market, both domestically and abroad.

President Jokowi himself has long pushed for digital transformation as a way to strengthen Indonesia’s economic resilience, especially in the midst of the industrial revolution 4.0 era. With programs such as AMANAH that target the empowerment of the younger generation, it is hoped that Aceh can contribute significantly to the national economy, especially in the technology and digital innovation sectors.

One of the mentors who is also the CEO of SuratPlus, Qurratu Aini, emphasized the importance of ongoing mentoring to ensure that each startup gets the knowledge and strategies needed to grow.

The AMANAH program for the development of technology startups in Aceh is a form of real support for President Jokowi’s vision in building a creative economy and accelerating digital transformation in Indonesia. By utilizing the potential of Aceh’s young generation, this program aims to create a conducive ecosystem for the growth of technology innovation and start-ups, which will ultimately contribute to the local and national economy. This initiative is also proof that regions such as Aceh have great potential to become centers of technology innovation, as long as they are supported by the right programs and ongoing mentoring.

)* World Technology Observer

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