The community fully supports Apkam in taking firm action against KST Papua

Until now, the Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) is still active in causing chaos and creating threats to civil society . The community also supports the firm actions of the security forces who have been intensifying firm action against KST Papua.

KST Papua is increasingly being pushed into a corner, as indicated by the increasing frequency with which security forces are cracking down on this group. Most recently, Joint Forces together with the Cartenz Peace Task Force shot 5 KST members in the Bintang Mountains of Papua. This was conveyed by the Head of the Cartenz Peace Task Force ( Kasatgas ) Kombes Faizal Ramadhani who said that the action against KST Papua was carried out on September 30 2023.

He continued that the security forces also succeeded in confiscating 3 Senpi as evidence. Measurable firm action against KST Papua was necessary because so far separatist gangs have often caused riots in the Oksibil area , Bintang Mountains. Furthermore, Faizal also ensured that the situation in the Bintang Mountains could be well controlled by the security forces and the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum ( Forkopimda ).

Previously,Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly ( MPR), Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) fully supports the government’s steps through the TNI and Polri to increase troops to take firm and measured action against the Papuan KST separatist movement.

Apart from deploying troops and taking firm action, it is also important to continue to build dialogue with the regional government as well as traditional leaders, tribal leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders and various other Papuan community leaders. By prioritizing the magnanimity of each party, it is hoped that we can produce a comprehensive solution regarding the safe and peaceful future of the land of Papua.

The combat alert status was implemented to suppress KST Papua’s actions so as not to further disturb the people in Papua. The Papuan people do not need to worry about the combat alert status, because the TNI implements it in a firm, measured and controlled manner, so that no more victims fall from either the security forces or civil society.

Bamsoet also supports the government’s decision to categorize KST Papua and all organizations and people who are members of it and who support the movement as terrorists . Because it has caused a lot of harm to various parties and carried out terror and violence that resulted in casualties.

Apart from deploying troops to narrow down the Papuan KST movement, dialogue efforts with the people of the region will strengthen the welfare approach taken by President Joko Widodo during his 10 years of leading Indonesia in advancing the development and welfare of the Papuan people. Bearing in mind that development does not only involve building road infrastructure, schools, health centers and other buildings, but also must build the ‘soul’ of Papuan people, namely building based on the values ​​of the Papuan people.

Meanwhile, Papuan Traditional Leader, Herman Albert Yoku, said that his party condemned KST Papua’s actions in a number of Papua regions recently. KST Papua has committed many serious human rights violations by killing civilians under the pretext of fighting for Papuan independence, even though not all Papuans want independence. Herman added that only a small number of people with personal interests use the symbol of Free Papua as a tool to fight the government.

It is hoped that the Papuan people will not be provoked by what KST Papua has done so far. They (KST) are liars, because their struggle to date has had no results and has only been a waste of time and energy.

Vice President (Wapres), Ma’ruf Amin, said that so far the government has taken two approaches in dealing with the conflict in Papua. First , the welfare approach is to provide affirmation to the Papuan people that the government is present. Through closer services to the Papuan people through new autonomous regions with developed provinces.

Then a comprehensive security approach. In this approach, the government seeks to reduce casualties from both security forces and civilians. The security approach was taken to suppress the space for KST Papua to move so as to prevent violence and acts of terror that could harm the community.

Accelerating Papua’s welfare development is one of the government’s focuses in encouraging equal distribution of prosperity and ensuring security in the Land of Papua. Several incidents of violence that occurred between KST Papua and security forces and civil society prompted the government to make special efforts to handle them. For this reason, in dealing with KST Papua, the government is preparing strategic steps in the hope that the KST Papua issue can be handled well.

Apart from that, the government is also actively holding dialogue with Papuan community groups to listen to their aspirations and needs. This dialogue is an important platform in formulating development policies and programs that are responsive to the interests of the Papuan people.

The existence of KST Papua is a frightening terror for the Papuan people . They cannot carry out activities freely like ordinary citizens. At all times they must be alert to the appearance of KST Papua who could take hostages or burn down their houses.

The Indonesian government continues to be committed to overcoming the KST Papua conflict through a comprehensive approach. By combining security and development . The Papuan people must feel blessed by the various natural resources they have. So that they can live in peace and prosperity in their own land, no longer having to face KST Papua or various other forms of violence .

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