By : Sabrina Aulia )*
Regional elections or regional head elections are a very important democratic process in the life of the nation and state in Indonesia. Regional elections are not only an opportunity for the community to elect leaders at the regional level, but are also a reflection of the quality of democracy adopted. However, the regional election process is often characterized by various challenges and obstacles that can disrupt the smoothness and peace of the election. Therefore, the active involvement of the community in overseeing peaceful regional elections is very crucial.
Regional elections are often marred by various problems, such as money politics, smear campaigns, and conflicts between candidate supporters. Money politics is a problem that is difficult to eradicate because this culture is ingrained in the political process in various regions. Black campaigns also often occur, where candidates bring down each other by spreading false or slanderous information. Conflicts between supporters often occur due to excessive fanaticism, which often leads to physical violence.
Apart from that, the issue of neutrality of election management and security officials is also a challenge. Fraud involving election officials can damage public confidence in the regional election results. This condition can be made worse by pressure from certain groups trying to influence the election results.
Various efforts have been made by various parties to invite the community to actively participate in maintaining peaceful regional elections. As carried out by the Kapanewon Tempel Government, it held socialization on Early Prevention and Early Detection of Social Conflicts Ahead of the 2024 Sleman Regional Elections.
Tempel District Secretary, Dyah Purwanti said that after the results of the 2024 General Election were determined and continued with the Regional Elections, it certainly had an impact on increasing the political temperature in various regions, especially in The stages are very prone to friction in society, both direct friction that occurs in the real world and in the virtual world.
He believes that the public is able to wisely choose, sort and assess the best candidates in the upcoming regional elections. Maintain a conducive situation like today, eliminate conflict between mass organizations, be an example for society in maintaining unity and integrity for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.
Various parties in each region have begun to carry out outreach to the community to participate in implementing peaceful regional elections. On the same occasion, the Coordinator of the Presidium of the National Assembly (MN) KAHMI Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung asked all administrators to contribute to helping make the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) a success
. people can choose regional heads rationally.
In other regions, the Acting Mayor of Palangka Raya, Hera Nugrahayu invited all elements of society and related stakeholders to work together to oversee and realize the implementation of the 2024 peaceful elections.
With a joint commitment to realize peaceful elections, it is hoped that quality democracy can be realized. On the other hand, peaceful, safe and conducive elections are certainly the hope of all society. Because it will have implications for sustainable development and realizing community welfare. In order to make all this happen, cooperation and readiness are needed. Both the government, election organizers, political parties and society itself.
To overcome these various challenges, active community involvement is very necessary. The community not only plays a role as voters, but also as observers of the regional elections. This can be done by monitoring the election process, rejecting money politics, disseminating positive information, and supporting law enforcement.
Apart from the community, the government and related institutions also have an important role in ensuring that the regional elections run peacefully. The government must guarantee the neutrality of election management and security officials. The KPU and Bawaslu as election organizing and supervisory institutions must work professionally and transparently.
The government also needs to provide political education to the public to increase their understanding of the importance of peaceful regional elections. Political education can be carried out through various media, such as seminars, workshops and campaigns through mass media.
Pilkada is a reflection of the quality of democracy adopted by a nation. Therefore, creating peaceful and integrity regional elections is a shared responsibility. The active involvement of the community in overseeing peaceful regional elections is very necessary to overcome various existing challenges, such as money politics, black campaigns and conflicts between supporters.
The public must play an active role in monitoring the election, rejecting money politics, disseminating positive information, encouraging dialogue and discussion, and supporting law enforcement. Apart from that, the government and related institutions must also play a role in ensuring neutrality and providing political education to the public.
With the active involvement of all parties, it is hoped that the regional elections can run peacefully, honestly and fairly, so that they can produce regional leaders of quality and integrity. Ultimately, this will have a positive impact on the progress and welfare of the people in the area.
)* The author is a political observer