The existence of AMN is proof of the government’s commitment to increasing inclusive educational progress

 By: Olivia Warouw *)

The existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is clear evidence of the very strong commitment of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to accelerate the progress of education in an inclusive manner.

Having education with an inclusive approach or strategy and paradigm is actually very important. Especially for this nation, because the diverse backgrounds of its people are different from each other.

Therefore, because society in Indonesia has a high level of diversity, efforts must be made to always maintain unity and unity together, one of which is the existence of AMN which encourages inclusive education.

Special Staff (Stafsus) Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Antonius Benny Susetyo or commonly known as Father Benny, believes that the existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado is very appropriate and feasible.

Moreover, AMN is the best cadre formation place for future national leaders in the future. The construction of the dormitory building initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is also very ideal, because even though it has a dormitory concept, it is not like student dormitories in general which only contain one particular group of people.

Instead, AMN Manado is very wide open to all students regardless of their background or differences, they can all live in harmony side by side and together under one roof, representing the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

So it is very clear that the Nusantara Student Dormitory is a program that the government is intensifying through the initiation of BIN which is really needed by this nation to be able to produce the nation’s superior young generation in an inclusive manner.

Inclusivity is clearly very important, because to be able to build this nation so that it can achieve progress and development in the future, Indonesia really needs joint collaboration, one of which is through the world of education which is characterized by inclusiveness.

Because in this way, Indonesia, which has a high level of diversity, can have quality human resources (HR) that have a national character and a very strong love for the Motherland.

Director of the Strada Association and Education Observer, Pastor Odemus Bei Witono, revealed that the government’s very strong efforts and commitment in realizing education using an inclusive approach, strategy or paradigm will give rise to many positive opportunities amidst the diversity of Indonesian society.

Currently, AMN Manado is a continuation of the success of the previous construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory in the City of Heroes, which was also later carried out by the Indonesian Government through an institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan will continue to be realized in various regions across the country such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Malang.

The dormitory initiated by the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia accepts students, who are students from various circles and backgrounds in various remote areas throughout the archipelago while still providing excellent quality guidance without distinction which reflects the spirit of unlimited service in the world of education.

This effort clearly has the aim of ensuring that the young people who will be the next generation of the nation have a strong national character and are at the same time able to make the nation’s life more intelligent as mandated by the constitution.

At the same time, the existence of AMN shows how strong the government and BIN are committed to efforts to realize inclusiveness and also continue to encourage the improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia.

With this very appropriate approach, strategy and paradigm, namely encouraging inclusiveness, there will be a significant increase in the creation of a conducive learning environment that really supports and respects each individual, as well as preparing the younger generation to become responsible and knowledgeable children of the nation. wide.

All elements of society must view inclusive education as something very positive because it enables students to recognize each other’s differences, respect each other and develop their various talents and interests.

On the other hand, the Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut) through the Provincial Regional Secretary (Sekdaprov) Steve Kepel also gave very high appreciation to the government, BIN and all parties who contributed to the development of AMN Manado.

The realization of the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory is not only a physical building, but also a symbol of the very strong commitment of the Indonesian Government to continue developing young Indonesian human resources.

Quality development for young human resources occurs by creating an environment that is very conducive for them to continue learning, being creative and collaborating even though they come from different backgrounds.

No joke, real evidence of the strong commitment of the Government of Indonesia and BIN to intensify and encourage the progress of the education sector in Indonesia in an inclusive manner, is concretely realized with the existence of AMN. It is hoped that the existence of this program will receive broad support from the community so that a superior young generation can be realized through AMN.

)* The author is a Manado student living in Jakarta

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