The Government Encourages the Involvement of All Elements of Society in Guarding the Expansion of the Papua Region

In an effort to accelerate development in the Land of Papua, President Joko Widodo issued a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) concerning the 2022–2041 Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP), on April 17 2023, which carries out three major development missions in Papua, namely Papua Healthy, Smart Papua, and Productive Papua. Accelerating development is a serious effort to advance and improve the welfare of the Papuan people.

Previously, delays in Papua’s development were an issue that deserved serious attention. There are three key approaches that must be taken to overcome this problem, namely culture, awareness and social aspects. This approach is considered more effective compared to approaches that have previously focused on security. Culture, awareness and social aspects will be a strong foundation that supports the development and progress of Papua.

Deputy for Coordination of Mental Revolution, Cultural Advancement and Sports Achievement of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Didik Suhardi, highlighted the need to advance Papua in line with efforts to advance other regions in Indonesia. Papua has the same rights to develop and achieve the prosperity of its people as other regions.

The regional government must optimize the role of all elements of society in overseeing Papua’s development, which is currently the government’s focus. Many of Papua’s young generations have high capabilities and they need to be empowered and actively involved in the development process. The Papuan people have a central role in ensuring that Papuan infrastructure development is in line with the progress and welfare of the people. Don’t let the indigenous Papuan people be marginalized and unable to contribute to advancing prosperity.

In facing major challenges such as lagging behind in development, empowering the younger generation, improving the quality of education, and efforts to build strong culture and awareness in Papuan society are also the main foundations that will lead Papua towards a brighter future.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), John Wempi Wetipo, said that the effort to catch up with Papua with other regions is through equitable development. Accelerating Papua’s development is carried out by expanding regions or New Autonomous Regions (DOB). The expansion of the region into 6 provinces will make it easier for the government to reach remote and isolated areas. So, various services can be easily accessed by the public.

He emphasized that new autonomous regions in Papua must elevate the honor, rank and dignity of indigenous Papuans, not instead become an arena for corruption. According to him, the Ministry of Home Affairs will also continue to ensure that government administration in the 4 new autonomous regions runs well. This step includes ensuring budget support in making the 2024 Simultaneous Elections and Regional Head Elections a success in each DOB.

Meanwhile, Vice President, Maruf Amin said that through the PUPR Ministry the government continues to be committed to realizing reliable infrastructure development in the six provinces of Papua. This aims to reduce the high poverty rate, reduce the cost index and equalize infrastructure development. Breakthrough after breakthrough in infrastructure development continues to be accelerated in a more integrated, precise, focused and synergistic manner with ministries/institutions and regional governments. The aim is to cut administration, improve health services and educational facilities.

The government considers that Papua really needs a new province to facilitate public services and promote people’s welfare. The existence of a new new autonomous region will create new districts, new government administrative areas, so that development there will be even more massive.

In order to make Papua’s development more effective, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin had an office in Jayapura to monitor development developments. This is to show the government’s commitment to completing its agenda, especially in the two new autonomous regions of Papua Mountain Province and South Papua.

Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk, said that with the DOB there would be more positions for governors, regents/mayors, members of the DPR, DPD and also DPRD. This means that there will be far more local Papuan politicians accommodated in seats of power. Thus, the mission of special autonomy (Otsus) is for the welfare of the people to be achieved slowly.

Regional expansion will boost economic progress because it can trigger a positive domino effect. If there are new provinces, the infrastructure will also be added and the most intensively built ones are roads. Apart from that, the infrastructure that is most needed is electricity.

Papua has the same right to develop as other regions in Indonesia whose development continues to be improved. In the spirit of unity, Papua must also achieve progress that is in line with the national development vision. All stakeholders, both the central and regional governments, as well as the Papuan people themselves, must unite to realize this ideal. A Papua that is advanced, prosperous and full of hope is a dream that can not only be realized by the government, but also by all Papuan youth who have great potential and a strong determination to develop their own homeland. All hands must join hands to achieve this common goal.

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