By : Dahlia Perdana Putri )*
The government has a big responsibility in maintaining domestic food stability, especially during the month of Ramadan. This is an important moment when people’s demand for food increases significantly, due to the habit of breaking the fast and sahur with family and community. To face this challenge, the government has made various proactive efforts to ensure adequate food availability and accessibility for all levels of society.
One of the efforts made is monitoring and controlling food prices. The government is working with related institutions to monitor prices of staple foods such as rice, sugar, oil, meat and eggs. These steps aim to prevent uncontrolled price increases, which could burden the public, especially during the month of Ramadan, which is a month full of blessings.
One of those who played a role was the ID FOOD Food BUMN Holding, which took a number of steps to maintain food supplies and prices in the midst of Ramadan and the Religious and National Holiday (HBKN) Eid al-Fitr. This includes increasing the distribution of Government Food Reserve (CPP) stocks and implementing cheap markets in various provinces.
ID FOOD Main Director, Frans Marganda Tambunan said, in the midst of the momentum of Ramadhan and Iduf Fitri, his party is encouraging the optimization of CPP stocks owned, especially the commodities of sugar, beef, chicken, chicken eggs and cooking oil. Apart from these 5 commodities, ID FOOD also maintains the availability of stocks of fish and salt commodities. Fish stocks are managed by PT Perikanan Indonesia. Meanwhile, the stock of consumable salt commodities is managed by ID FOOD’s subsidiary, namely PT Garam. As of March 2024, the total stock of salt consumed by ID FOOD is recorded at 227 thousand tons.
Furthermore, in order to maintain price stability and help people access affordable and quality food needs, ID FOOD is increasing the implementation of cheap markets ahead of HBKN Idul Fitri through the Cheap Food Movement (GPM) initiated by the National Food Agency (NFA).
Apart from that, the government is also promoting a targeted food distribution program. This program can involve subsidies for certain food items to community groups who need them, as well as arranging the distribution of food materials to areas that are difficult to reach or vulnerable to food scarcity. In this way, it is hoped that every citizen can feel the benefits of this policy.
Meanwhile, regarding domestic rice needs, the Director General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Isy Karim, asked the public not to worry about the need for rice for consumption. According to him, people’s panic buying is not because there is no rice on the market. Rather, it is done because they want to get a cheaper price. The panic buying phenomenon , he said, could actually cause prices to get even worse.
Karim hopes that people can shop wisely and adapt to their needs. In fact, if in previous years there was no Food Supply and Price Stabilization (SPHP) program extending to modern retail, then for 2024 there is one. If you are afraid of the rising price of rice, Karim said, the government has prepared an alternative rice program for the SPHP from Perum Bulog.
In line with Karim, Director of Food Distribution and Reserves at the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Rachmi Widiriani on the same occasion also asked the public not to spend excessively. Because this action can cause food waste . Rachmi also said that, for now the government has also decided not to change the HET for rice. despite the price of the commodity. In accordance with the President’s statement which has determined that the HET will not be increased because the situation is indeed an anomaly. Later, if the HET is increased, prices will continue to rise.
Government efforts are not only focused on the physical availability of food, but also involve educational and social approaches. Campaigns regarding the importance of food management and savings, as well as local wisdom in utilizing food resources, can help increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining domestic food stability.
However, even though these efforts have been made, there are still several challenges that need to be overcome, such as uneven distribution, monopolistic practices or hoarding by irresponsible parties, as well as price fluctuations in the global market which can affect domestic prices. country. Therefore, the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the National Police’s Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that his party was helping ensure the availability and distribution of basic commodities during Ramadan 1445 Hijriah. The National Police Food Task Force checks the availability and distribution of important staple foods for the community in several places. The National Police guarantees and ensures the smooth availability and distribution of important basic commodities, as well as price monitoring.
Cooperation between the government, the private sector and society in overcoming these challenges is very necessary, so that food stability can be well maintained during the month of Ramadan and beyond. So that domestic food stability continues to be maintained during the month of Ramadan until Eid al-Fitr.
)* The author is a student from Lampung