The Government in the Era of President Jokowi Always Firmly Eradicates OPM to Realize Papua’s Development

By: Ruben Sondegau

Since the beginning of his leadership, President Joko Widodo has shown a strong commitment to developing Papua, a region often referred to as “Little Heaven at the tip of Indonesia”.

Development in Papua has become one of the main focuses in the two terms of the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia. However, this great effort is not free from challenges, one of which is the security disturbance caused by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) and other separatist groups that are trying to hinder the development process. Despite facing pressure from terrorist groups that are enemies of this nation, President Jokowi has never backed down in his mission to bring Papua to progress.

On several occasions, President Jokowi emphasized that he is not afraid of any form of terror or threats from separatist groups trying to thwart development in Bumi Cenderawasih.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, who has been in office since 2014, continues to carry out the major task of ensuring that infrastructure and welfare in Papua can be enjoyed by all people, despite being faced with physical threats and security disturbances from separatist groups from Papua.

The strong determination of the national leader born in Surakarta City proves that inclusive development remains a top priority, even in areas that are often haunted by prolonged conflict.

The firm steps taken by President Jokowi’s government in dealing with security issues in Papua are not only limited to military strategies alone, but also through a comprehensive development approach.

The massive infrastructure development in Papua, such as the Trans Papua road, bridges, airports, and other facilities, demonstrates President Jokowi’s commitment to ensuring the welfare of the people in the region nicknamed the Little Heaven in Eastern Indonesia. The infrastructure that has been built gradually since the beginning of his leadership is now the backbone of economic growth in the region.

However, Papua’s development will not run smoothly without strict law enforcement against disruptive groups in Papua, such as the OPM. The Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP), Moeldoko, emphasized that the government continues to make various efforts to calm the conflict caused by the separatist groups.

The government’s firm stance in responding to violence committed by the OPM has shown significant results in reducing the impact of terror acts on civilians. The government has always tried to protect the Papuan people from the threat of separatist groups, which have often targeted civilians and security forces.

The separatist group from Bumi Cenderawasih not only spreads terror in the form of threats, but also often carries out physical attacks on civilians, security officers, and even development projects aimed at improving community welfare.

In facing this situation, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto stated that his party would not stop eradicating the OPM, which has been using weapons and spreading fear like a combatant group.

The government will not tolerate any group trying to form a state within a state, and firm steps will continue to be taken to ensure that Indonesia’s sovereignty in Papua is maintained.

Law enforcement and security operations carried out by the TNI, Polri and BIN in Papua are not easy efforts, considering the difficult geographical terrain and the pattern of attacks which are often carried out in a guerrilla manner by the OPM.

Nevertheless, President Jokowi continues to provide direction for the security operation to be carried out with a humanist approach, without ignoring the interests and safety of civilians. In addition to law enforcement, reconciliation and dialogue efforts with local communities continue to be pursued in order to create peace in the Land of Papua.

President Jokowi’s government also showed that success in eradicating separatism in Papua does not only depend on the military aspect, but also on how the government is able to improve the quality of life of the Papuan people through various development programs.

In addition to infrastructure, great attention is also given to the education, health, and local economic empowerment sectors. One real example is the educational affirmation program that provides access for Papuan youth to pursue higher education in various regions of Indonesia. The program aims to create a quality young generation of Papuans who are ready to compete at the national and international levels.

In addition, the government also pays attention to economic development in Papua by encouraging the development of strategic sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and tourism.

The central government’s support in developing local economic potential is expected to significantly increase the income of Papuan people, so that they no longer depend on government assistance.

This economic empowerment is also expected to be a long-term solution to reduce the influence of separatist groups who often use economic dissatisfaction as a propaganda tool.

The success of President Jokowi’s government in balancing law enforcement against the OPM and inclusive development in the region nicknamed the Golden City has proven that Papua is an integral part of Indonesia that the government continues to fight for.

Although the challenges faced are not easy, the commitment of the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia in Bumi Cenderawasih remains unwavering. With full support from the TNI, Polri, BIN and the Papuan people themselves, efforts to eradicate separatist groups in Papua will continue along with the realization of equitable development throughout the region.

The firm steps taken by President Jokowi and his government in dealing with the OPM are not merely a response to security threats, but are also part of a long-term effort to bring Papua towards a better future.

The legacy of development that has been started by President Jokowi will continue to be strengthened and maintained, with the hope that Papua will become a peaceful, prosperous region, and on par with other regions in Indonesia.

Senior Researcher on Papuan Issues – Independent Papuan Institute for Social and Political Studies

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