The Government Intensifies the Development of Food Strengthening in Papua

By : Saby Kossay )*

Various parties, especially from the central government together with the regional government, continue to intensify development aimed at strengthening food in Papua. One of them, this is very important to do because it can reduce the inflation rate in Cenderawasih Earth.

The central government, together with various related stakeholders, including the Provincial Government ( Pemprov ) of Papua , has a very strong commitment to continuing efforts to maintain the stability of food prices in Cenderawasih Earth. The commitment to continue to maintain food stability aims to be able to control inflation in the region and of course to be able to restore Papua’s ranking position in the national economy.

Related to the efforts and strong commitment to continue to maintain food stability , Plt . Assistant for the Economy and People’s Welfare of the Regional Secretary ( Secretary ) for Papua, Suzana Wanggai submitted data that the inflation rate in Papua in February 2023 was recorded at 5.05% (percent), which is an average below national.

Actually, the inflation rate in Indonesia as a whole even in the midst of global economic uncertainty, it turns out that the inflation rate in the country has not increased too much like in other countries in the world. Therefore, with the successful management of the government’s economy during the leadership era of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) so that the inflation rate did not skyrocket too much , of course, it should be appreciated and welcomed with great pride by the whole community.

In addition, all parties, starting from the Central Government to the Regional or Provincial Governments themselves , are also continuing to intensify their very strong commitment in order to continue to maintain the inflation rate in Indonesia so that it does not experience a significant increase in the midst of an era of global uncertainty.

What’s more, in fact Papua itself also continues to succeed in controlling its inflation rate. This is due to integrated forms of communication and coordination as well as very inclusive cooperation from various parties , all of which were built on the Papua Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID).

The strong commitment shown by the existence of good coordination and integration, in fact, is not only at the discussion level , but is also carried out directly in the form of real work , which then results in an intervention in the field directly to continue to make food prices can be controlled.

In fact, it was stated that President Jokowi also put an emphasis on the price of air transportation , which in the future will also affect the emphasis on food stability in the region to continue to be under control and make the people in Papua no longer need to be confused and troubled about the guarantee of having enough food for them.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Economic and Financial Policy Formulation Team for Bank Indonesia (BI) Papua Province, Agni Alam Awirya explained that there were 2 (two) competencies capable of contributing to inflation in Cenderawasih Earth, both of which need to be maintained.

The first is regarding air transportation, then the second is regarding food commodities. These two things indeed influence each other to continue to contribute to the inflation rate in the region. Therefore, in an effort to continue to maintain it, it is very important to continue to promote the National Food Inflation Control Movement (GNPIP) in the regions.

For information, there are at least 7 (seven) flagship programs in the GNPIP, which include market operations, strategic food security, then efforts to expand cooperation between regions and also support for food distribution.

Furthermore, there is also the aspect of optimizing the use of agricultural production facilities , infrastructure and effective communication to all relevant stakeholders including the local community in order to be able to provide facilities and also participate in supporting efforts to maintain food stability.

On the other hand , the Government itself through the existence of a Public Company (Perum) Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog) Regional Office (Kanwil) Papua and West Papua admits that with the expansion of the region, namely the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua, it is very necessary to have additional warehouse with sophisticated and modern rice grinding machines.

Regarding this matter, the Head of the Regional Office of the Regional Logistics Agency for Papua and West Papua Divre , Raden Guna Dharma stated that his party had held a meeting with the Daily Executive of the Governor of Papua and also discussed how to plan for 2023 regarding the addition of warehouses , because currently in Cenderawasih Earth there is very need it.

The acceleration of strengthening food security in Papua is an effort that the Central Government continues to encourage along with many other stakeholders including the local government (Pemda). By strengthening food stability, it will be able to guarantee and continue to control inflation in Cenderawasih Earth, including continuing to maintain the availability of food stocks in the region, so that people don’t have to worry anymore.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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