The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is strongly committed to continuing to accelerate the development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the archipelago. This is very important for the realization of investment in the nation’s future.
President Joko Widodo again visited the National Capital (IKN) to review the development process in the area. The existence of IKN Nusantara itself is very essential, especially for the good of the nation’s future. The reason is, with the existence of the National Capital of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan (Kaltim), Indonesia will have a city of the future which can even become a model for other countries in the world.
The government also really wants a change in the development paradigm from one that initially seemed Java-centric, or only prioritized the island of Java, but now since the era of the leadership of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), development has become Indonesia-centric, that is, capable of being comprehensive and evenly distributed in all corners. archipelago, one of which is the existence of IKN in East Kalimantan.
The Minister of Trade (Mendag RI), Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) revealed that the laying of the first stone (groundbreaking) for the construction of a number of infrastructures in the National Capital (IKN) of the archipelago which was carried out by President Jokowi on Wednesday, June 5 2024 was an ongoing effort by government to continue to accelerate development there.
On this occasion, the Head of State said that the government’s efforts to continue to focus on continuing to accelerate development in IKN were in the context of investment to buy the nation’s future. The archipelago is the future in Indonesia, and investment in IKN is a very strategic step in fully supporting this vision. Therefore, financing for property investment in the IKN area is very important.
As a comparison, what are the current environmental conditions in Jakarta compared to other cities such as Singapore, Melbourne and Paris. It is clear that the air quality index is still far from standard. So in this case the government really emphasizes that there is a real need for a transformation towards green energy and the use of environmentally friendly vehicles in the archipelago.
All of these things, from the transformation towards the use of green energy to the use of vehicles that are much more environmentally friendly, are the IKN concept for the future. Furthermore, economic transformation will also be realized from continued efforts to accelerate the development of the Indonesian IKN so that Indonesia can truly prepare to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045.
For information, several companies carrying out groundbreaking activities at IKN are PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN), Nusantara SustainabilityHub, Bina Bangsa School Nusantara, PT Arena Graha Andalan, and PLN Hub. Of course the government continues to strive to realize sustainability and acceleration. IKN development so that it can continue to be implemented. Not only did he hold a groundbreaking event, but the Head of State also had the opportunity to directly inspect the Ceremonial Field to celebrate the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day (HUT) on August 17 2024 in the National Capital of the Archipelago.
The direct inspection by President Jokowi was intended to ensure the readiness of the field for use in holding the Flag Ceremony on August 17 2024, precisely in North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The field is in the courtyard of the Nusantara State Palace in the IKN area. Currently the field is covered with green grass, while the Nusantara State Palace itself is still under construction.
According to President Joko Widodo, all preparations for the upcoming celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia are almost complete and there are absolutely no significant obstacles in the field. Apart from the ceremony location, the Head of State also checks the technical procedures for the ceremony. So far, the percentage of development of the first phase of infrastructure development in IKN is quite significant, namely it has reached 80 percent. So, even before the Flag Ceremony is held on August 17 2024, the President believes he can first have an office in the National Capital of the Archipelago.
Director General of Human Settlements at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Diana Kusumastuti, said that the completion target for the construction of the Presidential Palace at IKN is next July. Therefore, the PUPR Ministry will continue to carry out maintenance so that all the benefits and infrastructure development there can be useful in a timely manner. Overall, the interior should be ready by the end of July, so that on August 17 2024, both at the palace and the field, national remembrance can take place.
The very strong commitment of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to realize IKN Nusantara certainly needs to be appreciated. Therefore, all parties need to continue to support the accelerated development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the archipelago, considering that investment there is also a strategic step to build the future of this nation in the future so that it can become even more prominent in the eyes of the world, because it realizes the transformation of green energy and use of environmentally friendly vehicles in smart cities.