The Government is Committed to Thoroughly Investigating Data Hacking and Strengthening Cyber ​​Security Systems

The Government is Committed to Thoroughly Investigating Data Hacking and Strengthening Cyber ​​Security Systems

The whole community does not need to worry, because the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is very strongly committed to thoroughly investigating cases of data hacking to the root. The government also continues to strengthen its cyber security system.

The government continues to optimize efforts to deal with data hacking cases. The very strong commitment from the Indonesian Government is actually very concrete and comprehensive, especially in thoroughly investigating cases of data hacking that occur. Therefore, as a form of support, the community does not need to worry.

The calm of the community will actually make it easier and more helpful for the government in its efforts to thoroughly investigate the data hacking case, because the security and order (kamtibmas) situation will be conducive.

The Temporary National Data Center (PDN) experienced a cyber attack on Thursday 10 June 2024. In response to this, the government immediately moved very quickly to handle it.

The government, through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo), the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN), the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) and Telkom as the Temporary PDN management are immediately trying to restore all data due to the impact of the cyber attack.

Head of BSSN, Lieutenant General of the Indonesian National Army (Lt. Gen. TNI Purn) Hinsa Siburian also gave his response regarding the cyber attack by appealing to the entire community to remain calm.

Moreover, so far the data affected by cyber attacks is not specific data and not the newest or most updated data, so it is only some old data. Therefore, the government then immediately collaborated with various parties to handle this case, including integration across ministries and institutions which became very important. Starting from BSSN, the Ministry of Communication and Information, the National Police to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), of course they immediately coordinated to carry out an in-depth study.

Meanwhile, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin said that currently the government is still continuing its efforts to restore the situation of the Temporary National Data Center (PDN).

The government is continuing to investigate the issue of data hacking, the first step of which is to recover the data first and how to recover the situation, then after that look for the cause to take optimal, effective and efficient response measures.

The government continues to protect all data, especially personal data belonging to Indonesian citizens, with various efforts. Various steps are taking place, such as various regulations, then strengthening models, systems and choosing the right encryption technology.

All parties together with the government continue to work very hard to fully uncover the data hacking case that hit the Temporary National Data Center (PDN).

The public does not need to worry because all state institutions immediately moved quickly to pursue or hunt down the perpetrators, then carried out data recovery so that in the future, similar cyber attacks would not occur again.

In fact, efforts to restore services that were previously affected by cyber attacks, namely data hacking, are also ongoing by various related parties. It is proven that, with the government’s strong commitment, currently the handling of data hacking cases is proceeding quickly and a number of services have gradually recovered after being disrupted by cyber attacks.

For example, immigration services, event licensing through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves) and services from the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) are starting to return to normal after experiencing disruption.

For the short-term recovery process, the government restored services at the Disaster Recovery Center (DRC), then also used backup data from PDNS 1 and PDNS 2.

All these efforts and quick response steps clearly show how serious the government is in its strong commitment to dealing with data security issues and minimizing the impact that might arise from cyber attacks.

Regarding how to enforce the law, the security apparatus then confirmed that it would continue to thoroughly investigate the alleged crime of hacking the Temporary PDN server. Collaboration continues with various stakeholders or other stakeholders in carrying out this investigation.

Prayers and full support from the community have clearly had an impact in further smoothing and facilitating the government’s efforts to quickly resolve the problem of data hacking.

Collaboration between parties, starting from cross-sectors in government to including full community support, is certainly a very important key in efforts to jointly maintain data security.

With this solid cooperation, the national data security system will become much stronger and be able to face all kinds of challenges in the future.

Not only dealing with it, but the government is also taking a series of steps to prevent similar cases from happening again. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi will sign a regulation requiring all institutions and ministries to carry out data backups.

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